I don't think I have really used this blog to vent, but please indulge me today.
Every week or two I go to a bigger nearby town to do jobs I have to do and they have a Coles Supermarket. I usually just fill one of those baskets that fit on your arm, that is usually all I can carry with the pram.
The only problem with this Coles is that the only wide aisle is the 8 items or less aisle. No other supermarket I have been to is like this. There is always another wide aisle. At other supermarkets I line up at the wide aisle even if it has the longest line and wait my turn.
At this Coles I wait till there is pretty much no one at the wide 8 items or less aisle and let people who come go before me and I haven't had a problem in the past, until today when the lady at the check out told me how I couldn't use that aisle.
As much as I calmly (yes I did remain calm) tried to explain I couldn't get the pram out any other way and she just kept saying that was the rule. By the end there was two ladies behind me telling me about the specials I could get in Woolworths and how I should write to the manager. So I think I might just do that and from now on I'll shop elsewhere.
Edited to add:
Don't even get me started on the fact I paid for a pram that will fit through a standard door, but I can't fit it through the door at the doctors, the paediatricians, many shops and several mothers rooms in shopping centres.
Luckily the girls were quite well behaved today although they did try and help me unpack the shopping and take a bite out of all the strawberries while I was putting stuff away.
I hat encounters like that they just make you fell yucky so here are some things that are making me feel happy.
Here is Grace trying to hold Milly's had yesterday.

I was so happy with a wombat that went to the wonderful
Lauri I had to make another nearly the same.