My girls are fascinated with the pictures of twins in the latest National Geographic.

Some summer reading:
When God was a RabbitHow to be a WomanPoorly Made in ChinaRick Stein's Far Eastern Odyssey - every page is mouth watering.

Sue Codee pendant.

Miki.o calendar ( sorry a bad picture taken on my icky yellow wall - it is a lovely calendar!)
I would love to know what you think of the Rick Stein book, his approach to cooking is so relaxed as it should be. My other favourite is the guy from River Cottage :)
I watched a doco on iview about twins last week. They said that the twins at a twin convention they featured were fascinated by all the other twins there, so I can quite understand your girl's fascination.
Great reading.
When god was a rabbit is a great read, but couldn't put it down. Sue Codee - what a talent
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