I have been tagged by
Amanda and
Sue for the 7 random things about you meme. So here are the rules and my list.
1.List seven random facts/habits about yourself
2.Choose another seven bloggers to tag and list their names in your blog
3.Leave your seven tagged bloggers comments to notify them of their tagging and to direct them to your blog for tag instructions.
1. I was a vegetarian for 5 years - but I really craved a good steak.
2. I haven't been to the movies for over 2 and a half years.
3. This might be because I can't sit still very well, I can only watch tv if I'm sewing, knitting or reading
4. In an argument over Jack vs Sawyer I'll always choose Said.
5. I am on a search for the best ever Vanilla Slice, yes my weakness is the snot block.
6. If you want to torture me just play me commercial radio or make me sit through a commercial tv current affairs show.
7. I hate bridges. I hate walking over them and driving over them.
I'm breaking the last 2 rules as I think I might be the last person to be tagged, if not join in!
A couple of photos. I think it has been 6 months since I made elephants, but I was in an elephant mood. The girls this morning, all clean and tidy before we went out.