Clothilde is off the needles and blocked. It was an enjoyable pattern to knit, not too difficult, but enough to be interesting. I did not love knitting with the Malabrigo silky wool, but it makes a beautiful shawl and I love the finished result. More details on

i love it kate! it looks gorgeous, makes me wish we had winter in this neck 'o the woods!
Looks fabulous, but what's the problem with the yarn? The colour looks like it will be good for you.
Gorgeous. I am learning to knit and crochet this year. I remember how to knit and purl. And that's all folks!
On another matter, ages ago you wrote about changing your hairwashing routine. I wondered how it's going now and what it's like when you're running etc?
I have done one week and my hair looks foul. Am trying to hold out.. eeewww!
It's lovely Kate - I have really fallen in love with these shawls, but can't follow a knitting pattern. Crotchet is more my thing.
Hair - yes I am still doing it and yes when I first started - it was awful for the first month and then it suddenly became really soft and lovely.
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