We have been in our house now for 10 months and we are still getting new surprises in our garden. We have a beautiful weeping mulberry out the front. I'd always assumed ours was an ornamental non-fruiting type.

Aparently I was wrong. It is covered in fruit.

Under the tree is one of the girls favourite places. It is nice and shady and great for dancing and hiding.
We had a mulberry tree when I was a kid - and you are right, we used to play under it for hours...
lovely -! Mulberry pies - my dad even made mulbery wine one year - he was some thrifty....
Enjoy the shade!!!
Silk worms! You can feed them the mulberry leaves.
yummy yum yum, I LOVE mulberries. My sister has an enormous VERY old tree on the farm and it is always a teat to pick and eat mulberries. Enjoy.
What a wonderful place for kids to have fun :D
Mulberry trees are great, My parents have one. Have you seen my new swimwear range?? I am having a giveaway, you might like to enter and win some vintage-inspired cotton bikinis for your girls :-)
I'm thinking there will be no white t-shirts under that mulberry tree when the fruit ripens up!
We have silkworms & they are the best kids pet ever...all you need to remember is the feed them mulberry leaves!
Yum! How much fun! I have one too a Mulberry tree. Lucky to get my daughter to play under it for 10 minutes! I will have to get some silk worms that is a great idea!
i can imagine, nothing beats "Dancing under the mulberry tree!" how cute. Go Eva!!!
ooh and now it will be good for eating berrys and staing clothes too!! LOl
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