I have markets and other sewing deadlines looming and there hasn't been much chance for other sewing yet this week, but I am thinking about clothes for me as I sew.
I have seen a few skirts from
Simplicity 2226 and think I will try it. I am not so sure about all the gathers at the front, but I will never know unless I give it a go.

I love this dress from
Modcloth I discovered on
Pinterest. McCalls 3537 (found on Etsy) is quite similar.

I have made a muslin of the Colette Parfait dress on the weekend and made a few adjustments so I need to make another muslin to check them.
I love the skirt on this vintage pattern - great pockets. I am not so sure about the top so I may make the skirt and use another dress pattern for the top.
All good! I was planning on making a Parfait soon - possibly this weekend - but I was going to leap right int without a muslin because I am too lazy....I'll be interested to hear what you had to change. Maybe I will muslin that bodice after all.....
I've also got Simplicity 2226 but am not so sure about the gathers either, it's so different from any skirt I've worn for ages, but maybe that's a good thing!
Is the top one the sew a long Noodlehead is doing? I think I like it too. Not sure about the Parfait,one of those ones I just don't think is me. But love the vintage ones. enjoy sewing it all!
I would love to see what colours you pick for these beauties. Why don't you just put pleats or reverse box pleats where the gathering should be. Fold them away from the middle towards your hips. Just a idea :-)
Hi :-), have been following you for a little while and am really enjoying your posts. I am new to quilting and sewing but am learning lots from lovely blogs like yours. I am about to have a go at this skirt as well but will be following Noodleheads sew-a-long since this will be the first thing I have made for myself since school :-), long long time ago! Good luck, will look out for your pics. Tanya :-)
I'm doing the Noodlehead sew-a-long on the Simplicity 2226 although haven't posted any photos yet. The skirt is very full with gathers at the front and back. I left the front gathers but unpicked the back panels and cut them down so that they attached to the waistband without gathering. Looks SO much better that way.
M x
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