I cut into some of my favourite Liberty fabric last night for a top for Evie - couldn't find the pattern I needed so I winged it. Probably not the best idea but I think it looks ok on. I also made a little pleased corduroy skirt to go with it. I love how fast you can make babies clothes. A couple of seams and a bit of elastic and it's done.

Pleasted smocks for the girls. Amelia claimed this fabric when I first bought it. She thinks it is the bestest fabric ever.

I do love grey on a baby. so hard to find though!
Fantastic Kate! Liberty print is gorgeous. And the smocks! Are they your patterns?? xox
Eva looks so cute in her new cardi. Those tops are just gorgeous too.
I ADORE that Liberty top...so sweet. And the cardi...hmm lovely and warm@
What a gorgeous outfit you made for Evie! I love the fabric of the top - the colour etc! So sweet!
Your girls are very lucky to have such great clothes made for them. I love the blue top. My mum used to make everything for me when I was little but nothing as cool as your stuff!!!
The smocks look great- Lyssie will look fab in them next year!
I love it when children have their own choice of fabric, although the thing about changing her mind 7 times sounds familiar!
Lovely outfits!! and it's true about baby-outfits: quick and easy done, and you don't need much space on the table to cut the fabric or sew!
I agree with amelia.... that fabric rocks!! Love everything in this post...truly beautiful work.
Eva is so cute in that cardigan! And nice sewing also =)
I love the one button look on me, but it looks much cuter on her. You do such a great job sewing for your kids. We've been so blessed with hand me downs that my girls rarely want to wear what I've sewn. Just think, spoiled from second hand frocks!
I love the top you made out of the liberty fabric:0)
I love that wobbly chin in the second Evie photo - makes me think it was not a happy face at the top!
Lovely new outfits for all. And are the pleats all going the right way this time?
Ooh they are beautiful, the jacket and the tops. Your girls are lucky having such a talented mum. Evie looks very serious in the first pic...
Lovely, lovely, lovely! Your clothes are inspirational! They make me want to rush out and sew clothes!
Wow that's amazing! You make my efforts look pathetic! Gorgeous, gorgeous, gorgeous!
such fabulous mommy-made clothes! i love them all - esp. the sweater!
So fun -- you're making some adorable clothes. I love that you're sewing for your girls -- none of my friends who were lucky enough to have girls sewed for them -- I always thought -- "Give them to me! I'll sew for them!!!"
Lovely clothes! Your kids are so lucky to have a mom that sews so well. Love the fabric patterns!
Those tops are so cute! I can sew but I have to have a pattern. I love making baby clothes too. When do you sew? I try and do it at naptime and after they go to bed. I wish I could sew while they play, but I can't figure out a way to keep my twins away from my scissors, needles, etc.
I love the little tops you made for the girls and the knitted Jacket for Eva! How do you whip things up so quickly? I can't wait to get stuck into some baby clothes after bub is born!
Love Lee
What sweet little tops and the cardi is beautiful. You are indeed one talented and gifted mommy! :o) Enjoy a beautiful weekend.
Gorgeous, all of it.
I have been KNITTING! Yippie, finally! Love that jacket on Evie.
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