Amelia, Grace and I went on a trip to Bunbury yesterday. We left Eva at home with Chris. Gosh it is amazing how nice shopping is without an obnoxious 2 year old and with 2 pleasant 5 year olds.
We went to the Spotlight sale, but either everything good was gone or they are waiting on summer stock. Then we popped into the Patchwork Shop and found some great bargains. These four bolt ends - about 10 or 11 metres for under $50 and as soon as I walked in the owner handed me the necklace I lost in Bunbury about 2 months ago. I realised it was gone after a day of doing jobs and being in and out of the car and never thought I'd see it again.

I seem to have a 'small problem' with sewing pattern organisation. Chris will be laughing at that, he seems to think I have many problems organising my sewing room. I found these A5 expanding files yesterday in Big W and am crossing my fingers that this might solve the problem.

There are flowers and blossoms everywhere in the garden at the moment, but one of my favourite things are the new leaves on the gingko tree.
Wish I was there in WA . What we have here is not that bad either - it was freezing last night and now its +3celsius - sun is shining and it is a magickal crisp autumn day - but I do long for warmth and light.(already)
btw. such a lovely shaped leaves in your gingko tree. Never seen one before.
Great fabric finds :) Is that 2nd bolt an Anna Maria Horner print? It's gorgeous, can't wait to see what you create with it.
Bahahaha!! Do you really think the files will make that much difference? Or are you trying to keep Chris from having a hissy about the 'creative process'? I think we need before and afters Kate ;)
Wait up - didn't you do a DE-stash not long ago (of which I was one lucky recipient)? Hey and good luck on the pattern sorting. I use a big lever arch binder with really tough plastic sleeves but it's full already!
Ha, I bet Chris's smart arse . Sometimes I think like a man, it's wierd. But i'd love some ideas, mine are in bundles with elastic bands, in a big tub- I'm almsot regretting giving Curlypops my old filing cabinet now.
Yes, isn't it nice shopping without little kids? Bigger ones can be helpful even!
Pretty fabrics. Our gingko leaves are starting to turn yellow. My very favorite leave shape of all.
I feel exactly the same about my 5 & 2 year olds! I've got to have had a good strong coffee before I can take both plus the 1 year old shopping!! At least because the 5 year old is great it gives me hope that the smaller ones will some day be easier :-)
Wow you lucky woman lovely fabrics oh how I wish we had fabrics like that over here AND sale prices too!!!
I had a problem with patterns too until I bought an expanding file. Best thing ever. Now I just need another one!
I love Bunno! I'm finding shopping with Chloe easy now that Arj can walk and I realise how much hell it can be! She's not 4 yet so by the time she's 5 it'll be great!
Great fabric finds Kate! Can't wait to see what you will create out of them..... I get the same from John about my sewing room & I decorate shoe boxes to store my patterns (they are the perfect size, my mum gave me that trick!) Lv Lee
I don't think I have ever been to Spotlight in Bunbury. You'll have to tell me about the good fabric places (and op shops too!) so next time I am in Harvey with friends I can go exploring :D
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