I have been making some platypii this week, nice and bright. I love these colour combinations. I have also been working on rewriting the platypus pattern and also my elephant pattern so I can get some printed out to sell. Another very steep learning curve.

Cute platties!
Lovely colours! Platypii are so cute. I love their eyes!
Those colours are fantastic for these beautiful Playpii. I like a lot. I will be making some more of these in the near future, the pattern is so easy to follow and the result is very happy!
Congrats on the running. I dont think I could run. My sister used to run half marathons for years and loved it until her knee started to play up. I am sure it helps you to destress too. Love the platypii, so cute and colorful.
3.5 k is so impressive. The platypii look great. It's great that your creating native animals.
Well done on the run! I'd definitely buy a platypus pattern - they are so cute :)
Good for you Kate. I'm hopeless. I run to one light pole then walk to the next etc. I have exercise but find that the older you get the harder that winter weight is to get off......
Love your Platypii. How exciting to be selling your patterns too. Good luck with that. xx
from one who is knee deep in pattern writing and printing at the moment, if i can do it you can most certainly do it!well done chic:)
wow 3,5 that's farrrrrrr good girl! and patterns yes yes we want patterns we want patterns! LOL
Well done on that running! I don't know how you fit it all in! Lovely platypii-cute as!
personally Kate, I cannot WAIT for you to get your patterns printed! The elephant, giraffe, puffy fish and platypus are all my favorites. Whenever I look around my favorites in etsy I am so tempted to buy one of your puffy fish especially but since there are no children in my household, I cannot justify it, for the moment! One of these days I will cave, I know it!
I know what you mean about enjoying the running...since a few weeks I'm going to the fitness (never done this before, but necesarry now after 5 pregnancies), and I never thought I would ever say that I like fitness..
Good on you with the running. I'm not a runner either but there was a small window in my life where I found that I could enjoy it. I even chose to run (walk in the tricky bits) 2o kms over a mountain track. Then life got in the way. I would love to feel that way again. Maybe after this babe. It will keep getting easier and more fun for you.
Looking forward to the patterns!
good on you for keeping up the running and love your new platpi!
I love the platypus!! And I really miss running, you will feel better for it. Mmm... now what is my excuse?
adorable, nice change from all the owls and mushrooms we see everywhere. Very cute!
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