Happy New Year! I can't believe it is 2009, last year seemed to fly past. I don't have a list of things I want to achieve for the year. My aim is to feel calm and not so stressed about things I feel I should be doing. My one big goal is to be able to run 5km without stopping. I think if I can achieve this I might achieve some other goals like, being healthier, fitter and losing weight all without stressing about each one individually. Hopefully this will also make be feel a little calmer and even a bit more organised. A huge benefit I have found of going to the gym or going walking is time to think and plan. So I will stick to my goal of trying to run 5km and hopefully I will feel a lot better for it.

My 2009 calendar from

I just have to share these cards. I have had them in my favourites on Etsy for quite some time and my sister and I bought some for our girls as late Christmas presents. You can find them
Oh my gosh, those cards are hilarious. The girls will be smarter than their teachers in no time!
Happy new year and good luck with your running!
Happy New Year Kate - love your calendar!
Happy New Year! Sometimes I solve my project issues while going for a nice long walk. Love the calendar and cards. I just received a gorgeous calendar for Christmas! I'm always on the look out for different.
happy new year - good luck with the 5k
lisa x
Love the cards!! Happy New Year! I hope 2009 is a fantastic one!
Hi Kate. Happy New Year to you and your family. Speaking of being able to run 5kms without stopping, hubs is doing C25K (Couch to 5km) google it - he says it is really a great training schedule - 5km in 9weeks) He is halfway through week 2 and doing OK! I hope 2009 is a great one! Kathryn. XX
Happy New Year to You and Yours! Good luck with the running-love the calendar and cards!
Happy New Year to you and all the little Banshees! Those nerdy cards are awesome!
Happy New Year to you and your family. Love those cards - I designed some tee-shirts with cells and bacteria and amoeba - perhaps there is a market for them after all!
The quilt is your last post is just gorgeous - you are one clever lass!
Those flash cards are awesome! Okay, I was going to be all philosophical about the new year etc, but was blown away by those cards! Start again!
Happy New Year Kate! I love your attitude to 2009. I can't believe it's here either. In fact, I can't believe that it's the 10th and I am STILL saying happy new year! The past 10 days have just whizzed by! I still haven't set any goals yet, but thought I just better get on with it because time is rushing by while I think about them. Good luck with your running. I think I might just try to get fit. Walking places fit I think. There's all kinds of "fit". You're going for running 5km fitness, I'm shooting for walking to the shops fitness. (Hey! We all have to start somewhere!)
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