Today is the day - they could hardly believe it after weeks of waiting and asking "How many minutes until I am four?" They received exactly what they wanted a skipping rope each. Apparently this is the bestest present ever when you turn four and Milly is going to grow up to be the bestest skipper person ever and we will all have to watch her.
They headed off to Kindy (kindergarten for the person wondering the other day - we have one year of kindergarten and one year of pre-primary before you start year one at school) with their new fairy wands and they took a very bright green cupcake for everyone for afternoon tea. (Must remember not to mix icing colours and ice cupcakes after a few glasses of wine).

It is amazing to think that they were so small when they were born. This is one of the first photos I have of them together. I think they were about 4 weeks old.

Happy Birthday Amelia and Grace and happy skipping!
Top O' the Mornin' and Happy, Happy Birthday Amelia and Grace! They look soooo cute -- four years old with fairy wands in their hands and the world at their feet!
Happy birthday to two gorgeous girls. What a happy day! They already looked very much like themselves as babies! I think it's the cute noses.
Happy birthday to your twin girls!! :)
Just gorgeous, happy 4th birthday, Keziah will be celebrating in almost exactly 6 months time and my nephew turns 4 tomorrow so lots of #4's around here too.
happy birthday to you both - happy skipping too
lisa x
Happy Birthday fairy princesses!
happy birthday to your two sweet girls! they look so happy.
Happy 4th Birthday to you big kinder girls. Wait until they turn 5, then the independance kicks in big time, or perhaps it is just when they start school. They look so cute together and the baby pic is just adorable.
Happy Birthday Amelia and Grace!! Enjoy your special day...happy skipping!!!
Lots of love from Ainslie, Glenn, Chloe & Will xoxoxoxo
happy happy day to you two lovely ladies!
Happy Birthday to 2 beautiful little skipping girls and one clever mummy.
oh what a big achievment! before i had the twins I was one of those annoying people who said I always wanted twins to twin mummies! But it sure is special and look at how they've grown!
happy birthday! wish all keira wanted for her birthday was a skipping rope...this year she wants a castle with a king and princess!!!
Happy birthday, gorgeous girls!
Wasnt life simple when all we wanted was skipping ropes! How exciting turning four!
Best wishes to the birthday girls! Four is such a wonderous age - hard to believe they were ever as small as they are in their baby pic.
Yay for four!!!
I hope four is good and joyous and full of skipping!
Happy Birthday to your two "big" girls! Wow! 4 years old. And I bet it's flown for you. Were they early? How big were they?
Belated happy birthday girls! How excited to turn four!!! They were indeed very small when they were born, but they look very much like their little sister, although she is growing fast too!!
A very Happy (belated) Birthday to your gorgeous girls!
I'd join in the skipping, but not sure my pelvic floor could take the strain...
a belated happy birtheday from me, too! i think my keira (also four this week) and your two lovelies would be good friends if they ever met.
i love their dresses- such grown up kindy girls! x
When I first started reading you, these two were so little still (one?) and I still think of you as having 2 o man that was so quick - and shows how long I have been reading your blog! Congratulations to you mum :-)
Happy birthday to those sweet darlings:)
Happy birthday to those sweet darlings:)
Happy birthday indeed! Such lovely girlies you have. Time flies when you are having fun!
Happy birthday to your lovely girls. Such little cuties they are.
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