I have had a week of 'Milly/Grace won't be my friend', 'She said I can't skip properly' and 'No'. No to everything I ask. This combined with Evie being at the whingy I can't walk yet stage and I am going to throw my food everywhere stage. The separation anxiety is back too. I was just at the stage of safely leaving her at the creche at the gym without worrying, but this morning they had to come and get me again. I think my head might explode. Thank goodness the girls are at kindergarten tomorrow and Evie should sleep. That small bit of peace and quiet is keeping me sane. Yes laugh Mum - I know you will be.
This is the other thing that is making my head explode. My parents are building a holiday house and I said I would make many quilts for it in exchange for holidays we are planning there. I have been planning quilts using this fantastic book and EQ6 that Chris gave me for Christmas and I think my head might explode with ideas.

I finished these little fish last night. Less than 3 weeks until the market - eeek!
Hi Kate, those fish look awesome. My mum used to say that too!
Rachel ;)
Oh Kate, I feel like that most nights when my kids come home from school. It doesn't stop you know...
I hope tomorrow is better for you.
See that's the thing Kate. Just when you think you are going to explode, you don't! It's a sad fact. I often feel like I am going to explode, but mostly with the older kids. (You know, the adult ones) Of course, I did feel it when there were little ones too. So, rest assured, there will be a time when they don't drive you insane! (Or almost cause exploding!)
BTW cute fish!
My mother always told us she hope we each have a kid just like us. Well I didn't get one just like me but my sister got 2 just like her. :o) You will look back on these days and laugh.
What a terrific swap...vacations for quilts. Quilts definitely cozy up a place.
Darling fishies.
Oh yes those I'm going to explode moments-know them well!!!Enjoy the in between moments:)
I often feel like that . Love your fish .
clares craftroom
Please don't explode! Someone would have to clean up the mess!!
I love the fish - they are so cute!
All mothers deserve medals, in my opinion. I'm a nanny for a 1 year old and a 2 year old for one day a week and I come home exhausted! I don't know how mothers do it!!
I completely sympathise with you. Our kids ages are reversed- I have a 4 yr old and 14 mth old twins and there are days when my head will explode. I keep thinking how many days until they will all be at school but then I will miss them all.
Oooh, how exciting -- we'll be seeing some new quilt creations from you! I hope your head doesn't explode -- we'd miss you very, very much!
you are so funny. i hear ya! i have been feeling the same way lately.
I love the fish and I can't wait to see all of the quilts for the summer house.
Oh Kate, sounds like my night last night just that my teenages swear and cuss each other. Lovely when your trying to work in the same room. I wanted to leave home....
I can only IMAGINE how many ideas are in those two little books of yours...... Can't wait to see what you come up with.
Great post....it's such a common feeling among the parents I know. I dread my kids doing half the things we did to drive my mother insane!
Having three daughters means there is a high probability you will get to have a giggle at their "exploding moments" in the years to come!
Those 2 little fish are looking well despite all the sibling rivalry!
I think it may be the same for all mothers at some stage, unless their children are well behaved little angels all the time. I know when my 2 fight I am so tempted to just walk outside and never come back, but of course that never happens. I suppose it is part of being a parent isnt it. The 2 fish look so cute, at least your sewing will help you destress.
a common reply in our family was
"if you both don't stop that i'm going to go mad"
well there are moments that i feel like that but the good days always make up for it...i wish you lots of those good days and not too many of the others...
I love the fishes!! And the quilt is going to be so beautiful!
And congratulations on the book!
Those fishies are just gorgeous. Enjoy the books and creating gorgeous quilts, oh and the children too, they sure teach us a lot about ourselves.
oh I love your fish Kate, so adorable!!!
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