The Plush You exhibition was on in Seattle last week. I sent tome of my Australian animals. Unfortunately I forgot to take photos of the things I sent. I found these on flickr, platypus and koala and there was a wombat too. So thankyou to everyone who took pictures so I could see the amazing creations everyone made.

Ooh how lovely that your wonderful toys got to travel to a special show. I love the little elephant, so cute.
I just got the book today, Kate! Its all gorgeous...and congratulations on it all, the book, the show and the magazine.
I love the colours and fabric combination in your platypus.
Its fantastic that your so cute designs are being given such recognition!!
You must be thrilled - congratulations.
Congratulations! How Exciting!!
Congratulations Kate. They look great. Pitty the tags weren't a little bit more professional.
Sorry is that noticing too much.
I'm big on handwriting.
Will have to grab a copy of AWW.
Your elephant is one of my favourites.
that's wonderful Kate!
Congratulations!! Your platypus looked good stuck to the wall!!
oh well done and congratulations! I brought the softie book last week, and in conversation with the sales lady mentioned that I *knew* one of the crafters!!!
Must check out the WW. wow, how cool!
Congratulations on all that you have achieved, it's fabulous. And all the while running after gorgeous twins! You go girl! :-)
Must get me a copy of WW!
Congratulations Kate. You deserve it.
Well done to you! You know you have made it when you appear in the Australian Women's Weekly!!Cool
Wow! Vogue one week, Women's Weekly the next - you are fast becoming a softie celebrity! Congratulations, that is so exciting and well deserved. I still can't work out how you do it all, but I wish I had half your energy and talent.
I'm a huge AWW fan and was thrilled to see your pattern in there! I own the book and must get around to making it! before I realised it was yours I think the elephant was the cutest!
now you can make your own nappies by using PUL or malden mills fleece... i just found this fabulous website and have spent way too much on fabric on some of their links! you can try ebay in the states but its a bit hit and miss and depends on the time!
good luck
ps I have a spare adorn left over if you are still interested just let me know!
Oh Kate - I have been trying to get a copy of this ever since I heard the book was in the weekly - do you have pics of all the pages?? I'm surprised that we weren't told, given our work is pictured...
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