Interesting things I have learnt on the way:
- Taking a good photo of all of your children at the same time is impossible
- Eva screaming in the car is very loud
- If your child is not dressed head to toe in pink she must be a boy
- Just when you are sure you don't need any more cook books you see 2 you just have to have.
- Eva can scream the entire way back from Perth with only a very short break when I am sure she was just catching her breath and planning her next world record breaking screaming attempt.
- I'm not sure how she hasn't lost her voice as I have a cold and haven't done any screaming and my voice is gone.
- It is ok to cave in sometimes and buy them a DVD. Today I am so glad I did. I tried to convince myself that my head cold was getting better, but that didn't work so the girls had a quiet afternoon in from of tv and I tried to stop my head exploding.

shame you didn't have the Guiness Book of Records people there to verify the srceam-a-thon.
no! I hope you feel better really soon!
car trips with kids are so tough!
I really feel for you on the screaming front. My 4 and a half month old seems to choose to scream whenever we hit a traffic jam. I have added in car DVD system to 'her' amazon wishlist....after all she is baby no 3 so she doesnt NEEEED toys or clothes yet for christmas!!!
What an educational trip! I love the girl in pink thing! I once bought an outfit for my daughter that had "I'm a girl" written all over it because of such mix-ups. Unfortunately it was red, white and blue and people still said, "What a lovely little boy!". It was only then that I realised the pink thing!
Oh, I can totally imagine the screaming. Ouch. And I know what you mean about the "no pink = boy" thing... so odd. I don't know why little girls are expected to wear spangly pink all the time now, I'm sure when I was little we wore lots of blue and red and yellow and hardly any pink and purple. Actually, there was quite a bit of orange in there too, being the late 70s / early 80s.
Hope you are feeling better soon.
O.H. B.O.Y!!!!! That doesn't sound like much fun Kate!
I can remember the days when Isabelle used to do that to me and it was very very stressful. I do hope that you feel better soon, feeling as though your head is going to explode is not good. I am sure I had the same thing a few weeks back now. Perhaps ear plugs are a good thing for when Eva has a screaming match.
You poor thing, and you had a cold on top of it all. Love the photo!
Hi Kate, it looks like the photo you posted is perfect for the description of your trip! How cute, everyone just going their own way. Very real!! I have to tell you too I love your new banner! Did you do it yourself or did someone else? If you did it, did you use photoshop? Hope I'm not being to nosey!
Oh you poor things, my daughter hated the car until she was about 9-10 months. It was hellish, even a short trip to town was nerve fraying. Our drive from the Sunshine coast to Northern NSW was excruciating (& oh so long)...for everyone involved.
As for the girls in pink thing, I just go along with it....I never minded that a stranger thought they were a boy/girl...babies are pretty hard to guess I reckon.
what a day! and just think, someday we'll look back with such fond memories! There is no way that cutie pie can be mistaken for a boy.
It's hard to travel with kids for long distance travelling. They need to be entertained every now and then. I have seen some interesting travelling activities that you might be able to do with your girls while travelling on
hope that it will make your next long trip better.
Oh Kate! You poor girl. I laughed all the way through your post but I felt for you too as I too have travelled a long way with a screaming child. Love the photo. Maybe Eva was screaming 'cause she couldn't see from under her hat. LOL !!!!
don't you love it how people think girls must be in "girly colours". How could they think your gorgeous girls are boys????? Weird !
Its really annoying when your child gets mistaken for the opposite sex when it is so onviously clear that they are a girl/boy
Lisa x
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