I have just finished the book One and The Same by Abigail Pogrebin about her life as an identical twin and interviews with many other twins. Thanks Amanda for the recommendation. If you are a twin, have twins or know twins this is a great look at twin relationships. It definitely raised more questions than it answered about how to raise twins.

I have been sewing for Christmas presents so i can't show pictures yet, but I have nearly finished and just have to make new dresses for the girls for Chirstmas Day. Grace and Amelia wanted dresses out of this gorgeous fabric I bought from Corrie.

Thanks for the book recommendation. I will definitely look it up. With my girls being identical I'm always thinking about not treating them as one. My mum is a fraternal twin and she said that people always asked her what it was like being a twin. In the end I think she just said "I don't know as I've never not been a twin!!!". As you know people say the strangest things in relation to twins.
Thanks for the book recommendation... i have 20month old identical twin girls and am passionate about raising them as individuals.... but am i going about it the right way??
merry christmas
i love reading your blog :)
I am a twin and we are always asked what it is like being a twin...I always say...."fabulous....and we wouldn't know or have it any other way"...Being a twin is magnificent...a best friend, the same age with the same likes and looks. We are very different but the same...I know that sounds strange, but it is true and really the only way that I can put it.
Merry xmas
My husband is an identical twin and he loves it! Although he does get peeved if people ever refer to them as "the twins".
Your fabric choices are gorgeous - I have been eyeing off some of that far far away fabric for a top for myself!
I think the twin fascination comes from people being a bit envious of twins - the picture I have always had is that twins are best friends, similar enough that they can finish each others sentences and a life companion, even moreso than sisters or brothers. I would quite like to have had a twin sister.
I'm glad you liked it! I loved how the book talked about the twin relationship and bond. I felt like I got to know who my identical twins will be one day and how strong their relationship will be. This book really moved me.
Amanda from txtwins.blogspot.com
Another who will add that book to my Christmas list, my girls are not identical but raising twins does raise lots of interesting questions about individuality. I pondered some earlier in the year here (http://and-so-i-sew.blogspot.com/2009/08/thoughts-on-raising-twins.html). Can't wait to see the dresses, lovely fabric.
My sister has non-indentical twins who are 17 months old at the moment and she always gets asked really bizarre questions. I'll have to tell her about the book so she can read it.
You have been busy reading and cooking and sewing-such loveliness. As I teacher I have twins in my class a lot-much more now than when I first started teaching-and I am always interested to learn more about them
I think that common sense and listening your kids are the most important things with twins and other kids :) But of course there is something different in both "cases". Lovely dresses you have made!
well I must read that book then! I find after 'you have your hands full' and 'are they identical' to which I think derrrr they are boy/girl I also get the 'I always wanted to have twins' and I'd think yes so did I till I had them! but I do love them eventhough there are times I feel terribly sorry for them!!!!! They have been so much hard work and I worry how they will turn out and only another twin mum knows that!!!!!
can't wait to see your dresses! it's definitely the weather for it!
You know what I can't stand - all of the people who say, "I always wanted twins." Why would you say that? I have 3 yo boy/girl twins. If I could do it over again I'd have had them separately. Don't get me wrong. I am BLESSED beyond words to have them and their relationship is SO special. And they entertain each other so I can bake during the holidays....but so many things have been challenging from having them prematurely to nursing 2 babies to logistics of going out with them to keepiong things equal. You know the score. I am just saying being a mother of multiples is a challenge no one would "wish" for because it really isn't an optimum situation in any respect...it is just cute....and that is far down on the worldly importance scale. I can't have more children, so I am fortunate - I recognize that.......but I also get ill with women who say - oh yeah - I know exactly what your life is like, mine are 11 months apart. Think again. If you have singletons you haven't a clue. Just like those of us who only have twins have no clue at all whatsoever of what having one is like - having them look solely to you for entertainment, etc., must present its own unique challeneges.
Just thoughts. I love to follow you but rarely post. I felt I must here though. I will absolutely check out the book.
So many beautiful fabrics and nice dresses too! Love the pink on Grace, the Cassatta looks delicious!
Hoping to get some Christmas cash so I can buy myself that book... tho I must admit I was hoping for some answers and guidance... please.. someone help me raise these crazy girls! LOL
my twins are non-identical...a boy and girl. how many times was i asked if they were identical???
how bored did i get with that one?
mommie dearest i understand exactly how you feel. my twins were premmie and i also got sick of them saying i always wanted twins. some days it took a long time at the shops with all those people wanting to talk to you.
they are now 12 and i love them dearly but wonder how they would have fared as singletons.
life is like that! always wondering about whay you don't have. hope they have the book at the library.
I hope you had a wonderful Christmas and that Santa was very kind to you all.
PS - I nannied twins (boy/girl) in London and their little brother, who was only about 17 months younger, called himself 'the tricklet (triplet)'.
Oh how fascinating!! When i was pregnant first time, i read everything about having a baby. Next time round, pregnant with twins, i read everything about twins (this was 2001) & was certainly prepared for dumb questions. I warned Corrie that she'd be asked if her boy/ girl twins were identical, she didn't believe it would happen!! My twins are now 8 & while they were always super easy, for me it was like having 1.1 children, gosh they were easy, like their big sister & little brother.
For me the questions were "were they IVF" & seeing i was only 26 when the came along & i looked young, i was surprised. I was also constantly asked if i had them naturally & breastfed. I could feel the questions coming so would pre-empt them "yes, natural, one normal, one breech & yes to breastfeeding" as if my giant boobs weren't a give away!!
Your girls are growing up, i haven't been blogging for ages, well sight seeing, so hello again, love Posie
hi there, i found you via an old blog post from gabrielle and stopped in and am so glad i did.
i am a mama of twin boys, 2.75 and very fraternal. they are the only two so it is really all we know too. many friends are now having or starting on their second and the comments about having two are always so interesting to me...
when you start with two and it is all you know, it just is, right?
i will have to pick up that book, it sounds like a great read. :) happy new year from another MOM. amiee
Love your fabrics,they are just beautiful. I am an identical twin, and growing up i didn't like it at all. No one ever knew who I was, and I was always called the wrong name and I felt very alone (even though my sis was right there.) I also have two older brothers and a little sister just 20 months younger. It was great to always have a playmate, but she ALWAYS felt left out, not being one of "the twins" (hate that phrase too.) My mom, who really struggled to get pregnant with me and my sis, always said what an incredible blessing it was to get two babies for the price of one pregnancy. And she would always tell me it was more than twice as much fun, and not twice as much work as one. I will for sure add this book to the library queue
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