So all the last minute jobs I had for Upmarket didn't get done, but it didn't seem to matter and I had a great day yesterday. Thanks and hi to everyone who came to have a chat. It was nice to meet you all. In the chaos I didn't pack a camera and have no photos to share some good bits from the weekend:
Driving to Perth and back by myself so I could play my music as loud as I want and sing as loud as I want.
Holding a most gorgeous newborn baby called Eli.
Three little girls quite excited to see me arrive home.
This dress pattern. I have made two for Amelia and Grace this month and I see some more in my future. Maybe one for Eva in some Rouenneries by French General.

OOh OOh I love your littleist one's dress. AND red sandals. I always look for red sandals for my Gretta and never seem to find them. We're sick to death of pink pink pink! Give us Red. Give us Purple!!
I drove to kindy today by myself and listened to Mumford and Sons VERY LOUDLY. Excellent for the soul!
I'm the looney that got super excited when I saw you at upmarket, blabbed on for a bit, then bought a gorgeous drop bear :) I hope I didn't come off as too much of a stalker! Anyway, it was lovely to see you and your gorgeous work :)
the girls look gorgeous in there dresses.........
Enjoy the calm.Glad Rolf is back and ok. Such gorgeous dresses on gorgeous girls
So happy that Rolf was found, I did see your message on fb and wondered if he had been found. I love all those dresses on your girls and they get more gorgeous everytime!
Awwww, the girls look so cute standing there waiting for you. Very happy that Rolf is home safe and sound too!
well done! look at your gorgeous girls! I must admit one day to melbourne on my own with no pram or little people to worry about was just heavenly! I made the most of it!
gorgeous dresses
Funky dress pattern, would look gorgeous in Rouenneries! Good to hear bits of good news from your end of the world. Have a great week!
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