Why sleep when you can blow raspberries and jump. And yes she really is as wide as she is tall, hence the new piggie pants. She needed something that was wide enough to go over cloth nappies, but not really long. They ended up needing to be rolled up a bit anyway.

Thanks for all your great ideas yesterday. It was a lot easier today. I went for bribery - chocolate cake and a trip to rent some DVDs. I don't think having a very smug twin sister helps on these occasions. She was quite bossy telling Grace to have her medicine knowing that she didn't have to have any.
Oh she is so gorgeous Kate!
What a cute chubba bubba. I layed Luci next to a friend's baby today who is 9 weeks older and they are the same size!! Your little girl is so sweet!
glad the medicine went down better today. could she be any cuter!!!
Ah, gorgeous baby! Fabulous giraffes too!
What a lovely little pair of chubby cheeks!She's adoring!And how comfy those pants look!!
Ear ake sound unpleasent!Hope the medisin goes down easier and she recovers quickly!
Ps:great giraffes aswell!
Have a nice week!
What a happy little cutie!
See, Kate, bribery is everything!!! Eva is gorgeous. I remember master 5 in his jolly jumper and he used to be so funny doing ballet all over the place in it!! Enjoy these great moments, Kathryn.
She is gorgeous. Isabelle used to love being in her jolly jumper too, and used to bounce for ages in it with a big grin on her face. Love the piggy pants too.
oh I think we need Youtube of that! come on, please?
Bribery really does help sometimes...=) Good to hear that it was easier.
glad to know that she is getting better..
love the jolly jumper they are lots of fun for little ones.
Gawd bless the jolly jumper. Part baby ride, part baby minder, all fun.
I firmly believe in bribery as a good parenting trait. The Smurf is easily bribed to come give me a kiss in lieu of getting his favourite orange ball!
so sweet - aren't jolly jumpers such a great invention. So much joy for bubs and their parents. Beautiful blog
She looks very happy with herself (& very cute). Wish my girl had a bit more chub on her, it's so much less worry when (not if) they get sick. Cute pants as well.
Why sleep, when you can blow raspberries and launch toys across the room from you highchair (we don't have a jolly jumper. I love this age, and it's even better the second time around :))) What a lovely baby!
Hey chubby babies are all the rage at the moment! (Everyone has one!)My grandson is so chubby too. (You can see him and all his chub at picklesticks.blogspot.com)
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