We had a really busy 10 days on our travels. We caught up with Chris' family in Perth and my Grandmother. Unfortunately Chris was really sick last weekend and could not even get out of bed to go to the football (that is how we realised he was really sick).
I spent the week at Mum and Dad's. I always want to say 'at home'. Even though I haven't really lived there for years I still tend to think of the farm as home and it is always so great to be home. It would have been even better if there had been some rain. I can't believe how dry the ground is, not just there, but everywhere. It is really quite depressing.
We took the girls out to see some lambs which they loved, the poor dogs were chased everywhere as well.
It is good to be back here though at my other real home and to see Chris - the girls were so excited and Amelia in particular has needed to be near him all weekend.
Some pics from last week - Grace on the left and Amelia on the right.

Grace spent all weekend clapping and sitting on her tractor (well technically it is a 4 wheel motorbike, but tractors are more fun).

Amelia quickly found the piano and snuck into the lounge to play.

I managed to finish one of Mum's bed socks last week - I hate the second sock, but I'm plodding along - I have incentive now - the gorgeous Fleece Artist Merino I recieved in the backtack swap.

Here is the proof Mum can knit. I'll admit I did doubt you Mum, but you have made a great start. Keep going, you only have about 62 squares left! This is going to be for my sister Jane who is having a baby later this year.