We finally have summer weather and two little girls obsessed with swimming. Chris has been taking them to the pool each day leaving me time to sew or even just sit in peace. Eva can sit up which means much less yelling. She's not that interested in crawling. She manages to roll or slide around and get what she wants, or yell until a big sister gets it for her.
I finished this hat for a custom order today. It uses some of my favourite vintage fabric.
Next are twirly skirts. I have just been negotiating colours and fabrics. Grace loves purple and green and Amelia loves pink and red. Not my favourite combinations. I feel like I am in Project Runway trying to make the client happy and making something I like.

Our Two have been obsessed by the pool too - but I have been dragged along each time! It has been fun though and the water is at least at a temp. theat doesn't shock too much! Love the hat.
The hat does look great. Red and pink do go well together I think, I guess it does depend on what print you have to use though.
Hey! Love that hat too. Purple and green can be good if its lavendar and soft green. I agree, pink and red can look great too. I love project runway, have to watch it on You Tube though as we don't have foxtel. Its so nice of your hubby to take the girls off to the pool like that.
Lovely hat and I'm with the girls-love those colour combinations!
it's great your kids love the pool...
i was never a swimmer...more a sinker...and the kids nag me all the time to go...it's great you have someone keen to take them...
It sounds like Eva is up to the same things as my grandson. He is so much happier to be down now that he can sit up and squiggle around to get things!
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