The vegie patch is still growing even though it has been very neglected over summer. We have had lots of (oddly) shaped Lebanese cucumbers, zucchinis, beans and the tomatoes are just starting thanks to a very cold December.

Only 3 more sleeps until the girls start kindergarten. They are getting very excited. Poor Eva is not going to be that happy when they go - she gets very sad when they are not around and looks for them all the time. I have plans for our first morning, she is still happy to be in the pram so we are off for coffee.
We need to child proof the house again, everything was just getting back to normal now the girls are older, but Eva has been commando crawling to anything that looks vaguely interesting so my days are full of screams from the girls that Eva is touching their lego, house, cars, animals, dolls.....
Good recipe alert: the banana bread from the last Donna Hay Kids Special - the best banana bread I've ever made - no pictures as it's nearly all gone.