Eva and I managed a walk to town today. It was so nice to be out of the house and walking quite comfortably. Something I didn't manage after the caesar with Grace and Amelia for a couple of months. So everything is going ok, well except for the feeding - a whole new experience for me as I didn't breastfeed the girls successfully, I tried to express for them for a while, but they were mainly bottle fed. I really wanted to try breastfeeding this time and I still am, but it's an hour by hour thing. It is taking a long time to get her to attach correctly and when I tried expressing I was only getting blood and the pain this has caused is just awful. Feeding time around here involves more swearing than an episode of Goron Ramsey. But I am preservering and hoping it gets easier soon.
I received some lovely mail last week.
Sue knitted a gorgeous jumper, cardigan and hat for Eva out of the softest wool.

Some great fabric from
Aunty Cookie. My photos don't do the fantastic brown linen fabric justice.

I managed to get to my sewing machine last night - the girls had been waiting for new pyjama pants for ages and they really are so quick to make. Pyjama pants are also a really good way to test a pattern as they don't have to be perfect. So I tested a new pattern for making winter pants and they seem to fit. The girls have picked out some corduroy for some new pants and have helped cut them out. Now to find another quiet hour to sew.
I have to say...and I am breastfeeding my son at the moment that your description about more swearing than Gordon Ramsey really cracked me up.
Very apt...I was a bit like that when BF my daughter...this time around its better.
Hope you are doing ok.
Ha! I'm all for channeling Gordon Ramsey if it makes you feel better :) The breastfeeding definitely gets easier if you can hang in there for a few weeks... I found the ABA phone line really useful. Good luck!
I'm hearing you with the Gordon Ramsay swearing too. Made me LOL!
But seriously, you poor thing. I too had all that with try to express for a premmie baby.
I hope it gets better for you REAL soon or those girls could sound like Chef's REAL soon.
Look at you super woman, leaving the house and sewing jarmie pants too (obviously not at the same time!).
I struggled with getting the whole breastfeeding caper off the ground too. The Smurf was terrible at attaching and could take as long as 1 1/2 hrs to feed in the early days. Swear away it all helps!
And Suzy's right it does get easier, but don't beat yourself up about it either, just do your best and if it doesn't work it's no reflection on you.
i can't believe you're already sewing! and walking comfortably - that cracked me up.
I thought I'd delurk to congratulate you on continuing to breastfeed through the tears and swearing. It does get better if you stick with it, I promise! Once you get past that curve where baby and mama are still getting things figured out, it's so much easier than bottle feeding. Hang in there mama!
Hang in there as long as you want to with the breastfeeding. It was more of a pain in more ways than one so I just pumped and then gradually replaced with formula. I know what you mean about getting out and walking. I remember going to the store after my c section and leaning on the cart to push me around! No expectations make it easier with any recovery I think. :) Glad you found time for sewing. Cute pjs!
oh, hang in there with the breast feeding. when i had my first child, i had such a hard time with bleeding, ab infection, it was so painful. don't feel badly if it is not the right thing for you. i hope it all works out. the pain did go away after a few weeks:)
That Gordon Ramsey comment cracked me up! I hope things get better soon. That knitting is gorgeous, as are the new PJ pants!
I hope that the breastfeeding goes better. I love the jumper that you got sent and the new pjs for the girls! I hope that they are enjoying being big sisters!
I am so glad that you liked the pressie Kate. I do hope the breastfeeding improves. I tried with my son and ended up with painful cracked nipples and no milk in the end but I am sure you will do very well. I hope it gets less painful for you. I remember taking my son for walks too when he was a week old and everyone admiring him. Good on you for walking already as I think it helps you feel better too. The fabric you received looks so nice and I love the girls pj pants. I really must make some for Isabelle as she has had another growth spurt and everything is above her ankles.
Its hard work but breast feeding does get easier - I promise. I had numerous lactation consultants and midwives come and give me advice and eventually I got there. It was pure hell for a while - I won't lie. But magically it all comes together. But if for some reason it doesn't, then you've given it a red hot go and thats the best you can do. Plus Eva has got all the really good yummy stuff by now so she is set for life! Now I am trying to end the breast feeding gig - its been over 2 years now... I think removing access to the 'boosies' is going to be harder than getting it right in the first place. I never thought I would feed beyond a year and now look. Those best laid plans....
Glad to hear you are all doing well!
I was like you when first trying to feed muski - I did breastfeed the girls but with nipple shields so attaching was never an issue, neither was cracked nipples. I swear my nipples were close to falling off in the first weeks, but once we got the latch thing sorted (strangely with the help of a you-tube video!) things improved really quickly and have never looked back!!
You poor thing with the breast feeding... :( Hang in there though, like all of the other Mums have said it DOES get better!!!
I breast fed my little princess and found the first month and a half an absolute nightmare!!! I too tried expressing but that didn't work for me either, it looks so easy on the packet... Just when I thought I was at the end of my rope with the whole breast feeding thing everything just started to 'work'. My little princess started feeding more regularly, I didn't feel uncomfortable and my nipples had stopped aching.... What a relief... :) I breast feed for 12 months and then went straight onto cows milk... Goodluck!!!
Jodie :)
Me again :) I just had to link to your post :)
Hope things are improving and the Ramsay swearing is easing off :)
Love the jammies. Perservere with the breastfeeding if you can 'cause if you and Eva can get it together it is so much easier than the alternative. I never understood it when people said they had problems breastfeeding until no. 6. Pretty weird, huh? He just seemed to have no clue what to do. I realised then I'd been pretty lucky. If I had struck him at the beginning I don't know that I would have gotten it together. Good luck! Remember, breastfeeding is a confidence trick! I loved the you-tube sggestion. Who says technology is a waste of time!
Congratulations on the birth of Eva. I had trouble feeding my first child but after the birth of my second child I took Fenugreek. Miss M put on 4.3 kilos in 2 months! Fantastic product - helps milk production. Best thing I ever did!
lovely pyjama pants...I want to make some too...soon :)
Breasfeading is nog easy..but after a while it'll get better! the beginning is the worst part...
Just found your blog on Ravelry and thought I's say congrats on the new baby.
I tried unsuccessfully to breatfeed all 3 of mine. My middle was the easiest (boy) and I was doing fine until I went back to work. Hope it's getting better for you. Good luck!
Love your blog by the way and I'll be back to visit. :)
Good luck with the breast feeding, unfortunately due to an operation I had years ago I can't breast feed. Can't believe you are managing to get sewing done already -- love the pants material.
I have a video from the Tas. Nursing Mothers Society (I think) given to me by a midwife and it is terrific. Send me an email via TrashCan if you want it.
You are amazing - can't believe that you are getting sewing done with a new baby, plus two other pre-schoolers! No doubt you are finding it therapeutic to get back into the sewing and it is always nice to find some time for yourself so you don't feel like a feeding machine. Hope you settle into a good feedng routine soon. Best wishes.
Oh, I hear your pain! I'm breastfeeding at the moment too, it really was shocking for the first few weeks, then, as the other gals have said, it just clicked into place. Hang in there!
superwoman is right! pj sewing with a brand new beautiful baby. how are those big sisters doing? i bet they are loving their new sister to pieces (hopefully not literally....)
please don't suffer to breastfeed. i suffered for a couple of weeks without it going away. i finally went to see a lactation consultant and she was wonderful. they have these things called nipple shields or guards and they protect your skin so it can heal and you are still able to feed. they helped me sail through it. they also have these gel pads for when you are not feeding that are very soothing and also help you heal since there is no fabric rubbing. hope this helps.
A big warm welcome into the world from me to Eva! ;)
Hope the feeding gets easier for you, sounds terrible! You poor thing.
It's awesome you can still find the time to sew with a new bub and two other kiddies. Their new pj's are cute.
..and you've been tagged. Feel free to ignore the tagging, I'm sure you've got a lot on your plate :)
Good for you out and about! I posted a pic of some really cute cord I found, would be great for girls.
My goodness, so impressed you've managed to get near a sewing machine! I found breastfeeding so difficult last time around, it took months before it felt comfortable, but it did get better. I wish I'd got some help with attachment a bit earlier. Hope it all gets easier - hang in there - Eva is so lucky to have such a wonderful mum.
Kate you are a sensation. I'm so pleased for you that you had that birth experience with Eva. All we want in the long run is a healthy baby, but it is the best thing to hold them close as soon as they come out all warm and smelling heavenly. Breast feeding blessings to ya!
I hope its getting easier for you .
Great pressie !!!
Loved reading about your birth story - how is your sister going???
Look at those gorgeous froggie pj's!
Nice to hear you are getting around ok and persevering with the breastfeeding...it does get easier :)
....but already back at the sewing machine???...you are a FREAK!!!
Well done!!!!
Sewing already!!! you are a legend!!
Oh, good on you for doing a spot of sewing, Kate. Super pjs!
The early days of breastfeeding can be shockers. Get lots of help with the latching on and stuff from Aust Breastfeeding Assoc, Youtube...whatever works. Once it all comes together it's certainly the easier option.
However, don't beat yourself up about it if you decide to call it quits.xx
wow, the brown looks great!
:) It took me four days for things to 'click' with breastfeeding Esme, and yes I was very anxious in between! Cracked and bleeding nipples - but finally I tried putting hot cloths just under my collarbone (finally remembered the midwife saying that) and drank a lot of extra water and some cow's milk -- and my milk started to flow just a little bit at a time but it increased steadily.
Hope things are going better for you! I'm in the process of backing off breastfeeding now with baby at 6 months and going back to work... that's scary too.. because I've heard it can be painful and maybe get an infection during it if it is too sudden.
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