Thanks for all your advice and support on feeding. I think it has definitely improved this week and I'm feeling a lot more positive about everything.
The girls worked out how to actually blow bubbles yesterday and not just throw the liquid everywhere.

Grace's new favourite colour is orange (she should probably been born in the 70s) and Milly decided she needed blue pants. I couldn't get a picture while they were wearing them so here they are drying on the line.
Good idea with the spots. The spots jazz them up. Do you always make 2 of everything?
Cute! I can see them wearing these. Your girls are a pleasure to watch. Bubbles and giggles.
The pants look great and orange is a color I think that very few people can wear. My son actually went through an orange stage too.
Love those Bubble pants - they look so cute in the complimentary colours. Orange has been my son's fav colour since he was a toddler he is now nearly 14 yr).
What a lovely cheeky picture of your girls - they look full of fun!
Great trousers too.
Your girls are growing so quickly. They're looking less like toddlers and more like little girls now. The trousers are fab too!
love the pants! glad htings are going better!
Glad to hear you are doing well! I love the new trousers! Particularly the "bubbles"!
Hello to you!
What sweet little cute!!
Your girls have the best hair EVER ! and very cute pants too.
What cute little trousers, love the spots or should I say bubbles!
Lovely pants, the appliques are a great idea, and go well with the bubbles theme!
Some of my kids have gone through orange phases too! My 16 year old is still doing that phase!
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