We were in Yallingup all ready for Matt and Ali's wedding. I had been to the day spa with Ali the day before and had my toe-nails done - they had avoided touching the rest of my feet so they didn't bring labour on, I had a new (very large) dress and Mum and Dad were there to help with the girls so we had a night out without them.
We were having breakfast and I was meant to go and get my hair and make-up done about 9. By about 8.30 I had decided that this was not going to happen and told Chris he wasn't going to be able to play golf that morning. We went to tell Ali that I wouldn't be coming. Luckily she is such an easy going person and dealt with the news so well and we headed to Bunbury to the hospital.
I am seriously impressed with anyone that manages to have a baby without drugs of any time. Eva was posterior facing and I have heard that it is a bit more painful, but I was still nearly screaming for an epidural, which made everything bearable. I wasn't too stressed about whether I had a C-section or a not, but I am glad the doctor was all for trying a VBAC. It nearly ended in a C-section as she hadn't turned and I was so disappointed at the thought and so relieved when he said he would try and turn her with the forceps. So that is what he did and then she was out. It was so nice this time to hold her straight away. I didn't even see Amelia when she was born until that night and only had a passing glimpse at Grace as they whisked her away. It was really nice to have time with just Chris and Eva and to wake up that night knowing she was just next to me.
I still don't have any pictures of the girls in their flower girl dresses from the wedding, but I have heard they did a fantastic job and were perfectly behaved the whole day and the wedding was fantastic. That is one wedding anniversary I won't forget.
I am sure I had the prettiest toe-nails in the hospital.

wow...that little new girl of you made her birth unforgettable to come just on that day...how special! Actually you prepared very well for giving birth by going to the spa and having your nails done.. LOL Sweet story to tell her over and over again when she grows up :)
Thanks for sharing your story Kate! I'm so glad that you got to be with your daughter after the birth (complete with lovely toenails!). I have about 10 weeks to go before birth of no. 2 so am taking inspiration from you...
Great story!!....
...great toenails aswell!
your girls look so cute together Glad everything turned out ok in the end with everyone safe and sound. I didn't manage any drugs with Baby G as he was so quick there just wasn't time, but I was fully loaded with Milo. Your wedding bouquet looks lovely too. Thank you for the good luck, same back to you
Lisa x
great story! well done and big congratulations at bringing your latest safely into this world. I bet the nurses were refering to you as "oh that one with the nice nails?" At least you didn't go into labour in the middle of the service.
Excellent stuff, Kate! Great preparation, too. You must've felt like the most groomed new mum at the hospital. :-)
Congratulations on Eva's arrival and thanks for sharing the birth story - it's a good one! And I bet you did have the prettiest toes in hospital.
Thanks for sharing your birth story with us all... And yes, I'm sure you did have the best toe nails in the hospital that day... LOL!!
Jodie :)
I bet no-one ever has posted a picture of his toe nails after giving birth! Your daughter is a beauty, and she had a very nice birth so I read. Love the smell of newborns, those first moments with your baby are to be treasured!
what a great story - my mum did the same thing 40 years ago when she missed her brother's wedding to have my sister. Don't know if she had as nice toe nails as you did though!!!!Glad it went well for you and you got to hold your little girl straight after. Looking forward to seeing the girls in their flower girl dresses!
What a lovely story, so glad the girls had a lovely day. I'm sure everyone took photos.
I hear you on the whole posterior labour thing - my first went that way. Not fun.
But I'm sure the gorgeous toenails helped take your mind off it! And so nice you could be with her straight away and enjoy that experience. Now get some rest!
oh, i love hearing these stories! i am so glad it went great, and everyone is happy!
and yes, your toes look great!
Just what every pregnant woman needs, a relaxing morning having her nails done. Eva must have known that you were getting ready for her birth, not the wedding. I am glad that you got to be with her straight after you had her too, it is so amazing with each one getting to know them in the first few hours isnt it.
Wow, what an amazing birth story. Glad to hear such a positive vbac experience. I know so well what you mean about not having immediate contact with your premmie girls after the caesar, it brought back memories of the NICU. So glad that you got to have that contact this time around. Wishing you as much joy and rest as possible in these crazy exciting early weeks.
Congrats - she is just gorgeous! I had a posterior labour - I nearly tore the walls down until that epidural kicked in.
Great toe nails - I made sure I had mine looking good as I thought it may be a nice distraction for the midwife and Dr's when they were sick of looking up my bits- a better memory for them perhaps...
Congratulations! She is a doll!! You are truly blessed. Your hubby is definately outnumbered now.
thaks so much for sharing your fantastic story!sorry you missed the wedding but i guess you had a good reason!love your nails i get mine done before every birth!
thanks for sharing Eva's birth story. It is quite amusing though about your beautiful toenails...just for hospital! Those staff must of thought you were amazing being so prepared and beautiful for the birth!!!!!Eva is such a gorgeous name, all 3 girls have the prettiest names!!!
What an adventure! So happy to know that you are all well. Love that last line - made me laugh out loud :-)
congratulations!!!!!!!!!!! I've been so busy preparing for my sisters wedding that I missed out on your news but so glad she's arrived safely and what a cutie!!!!
hope you're all settling in
I feel so late congratulating you. I've been so slack in the blogging world.
Congratulations Kate. Love her name. I hope that you are all adjusting. I am sure you will find the whole baby thing easier, but having 2 toddlers under your toes will be very trying!
All the best.
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