I spent the last few days in Perth. A trip away always sounds so great, you plan all the things you want to do and then it kind of gets hijacked by everything you should do. Luckily we still managed to do some of the fun things. It helped that Mum came with me - much easier with help (isn't that an understatement). A few highlights:
A dress fitting for my bridesmaids dress for my friend Ali's wedding when I'll be 39 weeks pregnant - yes you read that correctly - 39 weeks. I think it is going to be ok the dressmaker is fantastic and promised I won't look huge, although I'm not sure how this will be possible.
We met Chris Mum and sister and our gorgeous niece Madison at the zoo and the girls got to see all the big animals they always talk about. Here are the girls in a still moment at the penguins.

A visit to the Fremantle Arts Centre - I hadn't been down there for a couple of years and had forgotten the great things you can find in the shop there. I am very excited as you can now find a few of my toys there including this wombat.

The big exciting thing for me this week was getting to 32 weeks. I didn't quite make it to 32 weeks with the girls - so it's always been a big psychological milestone for me.
Kate - congratulations on making it to 32 weeks. From someone who never made it that far either (27 & 25 weeks respectively) a big hug to you.
32 weeks already! wow! congratulations!
the girls and toy are cute as always!
The trip sounds like it was fun :) Yay for making it to 32 weeks! :)
That little wombat is really cute! And you're in a wedding at 39 weeks? YI was in my sisters wedding at 32 weeks -- I just held my bouquet in front of the baby bump. You might be standing there with a new little bundle of joy LOL!
Let's hope you make it to 39 weeks so you can wear that dress!!! Yeah to mum's who help out on holidays too.
Congrats on the 32 week milestone. I love the fabrics in your wombat.
Glad you had a wonderful trip and congratulations from me too on making it to 32 weeks:)
Wow that as quick! Well done on making 32 weeks. And if you get to 39 weeks even better! I second Thimbleanna, you may need to make room for a flower girl or pageboy. :-)
Congratulations! I guess I've been a little busy with my own baby didn't realize you were pregnant again! So wonderful! Best of wishes for you over the next few months!!
Congratulations on making 32 weeks! At this stage it's much better in than out. I had all my babies at 40 weeks and dreamt of coming early and avoiding those last few uncomfortable weeks, but realised going to term is really a blessing in disguise! Hope you make it all the way to 39 weeks!
32 weeks! great! you must be getting so excited for the big day. love the girls little skirts in this photo!
so when are we going to see the bump already? The wombat is sooo cute and glad you had a good trip.
32 weeks! Awesome.
(Although being in a wedding at 39 weeks pregnant makes me tired just thinking about it.)
Good for you and the baby to make it to the 32weeks! Still 8 to go, seems long, yet it goes so fast! Enjoy it!!
congrats on week 32! and BTW i simply love that toy. great use of patterns and colours!
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