I thought I'd have a go at a tote bag and cut into some a fantastic vintage tablecloth for the 2 panels. I think these panels might work well as part of little dresses. Add that to the list of 352 things I plan to do before this baby comes.

I am trying to make the list smaller - I cast on the Babies who lunch Cardigan from the Sublime book using some Sublime yarn made of merino, silk and cashmere. So smooshy and perfect for a newborn baby.
The tote bags look so nice and bright with the vintage fabric. Your knitting looks great too, cant wait to see the finished product.
Tablecloths? Amazing colours and pattern. They look great. Should be a definate stayer or regular.
The totes are just gorgeous with those panels. And yes, they would also look great featured in some dresses...
I am really looking forward to seeing the finished cardigan! And those vintage panels really pop!
ohhhh great idea on the bags.... gives me lots of ideas.... thanx.
luv Abby
The edge on that cardigan looks amazing. I'm not familiar with the book you mentioned, so I'm anxious to see the finished item!
As always, kate, i love these two projects!
I love the contrast of the bright vintage fabric against the dark fabric of the tote bag. Looks great. I saw that sublime yarn in my local yarn shop the other day - it is very smooshable!
Cute tote bags! You do not have to get all of that done before the baby comes, he/she will never know! ;)
The fabric looks great on the tote!! I love the egde of the cardigan... Can't wait to see it finished.
Knitting for newborn babys is always the best! When is your due day?
I love your knitting! So pretty. And smooshable sounds just right for babies!
That bag is so nice!
Those totes are so cute! Love them.
love the fabric it would look super cute on dresses!only 352 things on your list your not trying hard enough!
I love the colorful totes and beautiful work on the cardigan!
Totes are stupendous. And I really wish I wasn't such a cack-handed knitter. The Babies Who Lunch cardigan - so gorgeous.
the bag is gorgeous! the colours look fab!
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