I had big plans for summer reading, but as soon as I get comfortable in the afternoon with my book I need a little nap, but i am slowly getting through this pile.

A new pile thanks to
The Book Depository. My new favourite place to get books. The shipping from Amazon was getting slower and slower. These books were here in just over a week adn they have free shipping all over the world. If you are a knitter The Knitter's Book of Yarn is a must have - great information and patterns. The Yarn Lover's Guide to Hand Dyeing is fantastic - something I will have to have a go at soon.

A few more giraffes as they always make me happy.

Hi Kate, lovely to catch up on Friday night. Amelia and Grace are gorgeous!!! Thanks for the link to the book site. I've found Amazon really slow lately too. And a big thank you for listing me on your crafty blogs. Very exciting for a beginner like me!!!
Thanks for the link - free shipping sounds pretty good!
Summer reading! I just started a book club and have yet to finish a book. Maybe if I didn't spend so much time online reading blogs! ;)
Love your giraffes!
Very cute giraffes:)
oh, there is nothing like reading a page or two, then drifting off to sleep! i hope you are feeling well! you are a busy lady.
Lovely to see all those new books! I have read Colours - it's a great book! It reminds me that I must return it to the person who leant it to me!!
Love the giraffes as usual!!
My gosh, you are a busy girl.
I've been trying to finish the same book for the past 6 months.
I try to read then fall asleep.
They all look great.
Thank you for the book site recommendation! I have just been drooling over all the craft books. Free shipping is always a good thing and the prices look a lot cheaper than Amazon. I think my credit card will be getting a work-out soon! Those giraffes make me smile.
Great books. How nice for you to be able to relax and have a little nap too, as I am sure you would be needing some rest by now. Thanks for the recommendation about the book site, will have to sneak a peek. Love the giraffes, so cute!
Looking at your giraffes make me happy too!
I love Book Depository. What a great range [100s of knitting books] and fantastic service, not to mention the free delivery worldwide!
Love your platypuses - they're so cute. As are those hats - and your girls.
Homemade jam - now that would be nice. My mum used to make it but they don't have fruit trees anymore! :-(
Hey thanks for the link, always room for another book link. Amazon is always really quick for me though.
oh! jane eyre! i loved that book. i named my first car after one of the characters!!!! excellent choice!
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