A Little Creature that I sketched ages ago finally came to life last night, not sure what it is or what it is called. I found I had some time after I snapped a needle knitting my socks and now I have to wait for some new ones to appear in the mail - so annoying.

Very Cute
he is very adorable.
what a cutie! Thanks for the profile shot- it is interesting to see the curved back and how that lets him(?) sit.
awesome, kate! he's almost a koala - but even if he's not, he's cute.
He looks like a koala... sort of! He's like a little wooby! Very cute.
oh how frustrating! can't wait to see your finished knitting. that sweet creature is adorable! love it!
I think he looks like a koala too and came over from my feed reader to say so, but I've been beaten to the punch ;o)
yes, I agree there is a bit of koala in there. He is very very cute.
I came across from google reader to offer the same as others before me. There is a lot of koala in your wonderful creation.
Me too with the koala thing. Very cute. And how annoying re the needle - when I want to knit, I want to knit NOW!
Aww what a cutie! Bummer about the needle.
so cute, your little creature! looks lovely!
So cute! And he looks very, very cuddly :-)
I was just going to say he reminded me of a koala, but some other people bet me to it. I think it is the nose and the eyes that remind me of it. So cute too!
Another vote for Koala from me.
Definitely a koala bear. :) Very cute!
Awww, to cute! Love those little (big?) ears!
so cute!
I'm not sure what he is beyond very appealing!
Sorry to hear about the knitting needle. I broke a needle just before Christmas while we were out and then couldn't knit whilst out as I had planned. I got quite stressed about it. Unconsciously I think I was dealing with Christmas stress by knitting. It's better than prozac!!!
This sure is a funny guy!
what a sweet little guy! he has such character. my knitting needle snapped mid-row recently, so i know that feeling. just as i was getting somewhere with my knitting!
HI Kate I've visited your blog a few times and it's lovely to know you are down south in my Dad's neck of the woods. We are flying over in a couple of weeks. I grew up in Karrinyup and now my Dad lives in the glorious south where we may well find ourselves soon. Love your beautiful work and look forward to seeing more.
Without reading anyone elses comments, I thought it looked just like a koala
hehe...he reminds me of the kids when they hold up a cereal spoon up over their noses and call themselves breaky koalas....
such a cute little creature!
that about the cutest thing i ever did see it's just wonderful
Definately a little koala bear. Possibly he's not well though... a little on the green side and perhaps sporting a case of chicken pox? A great little 'Get Well' bear sort of gift.
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