I've finished spinning and plying the
roving I bought from
Ewe give me the Knits which I highly recommend, there is lots of beautiful hand dyed merino and lots of different fibres. I think my spinning is slowly improving and I am doing more of it as the girls don't want to stick their hands in the wheel as it spins around anymore. Although they love to watch and we have to sing 'Baa Baa Black Sheep' quite a lot. Little spinners in the making.

I have read so much about Blue Faced Leicester and how easy and nice it is to spin I just had to get some and try for myself. I found some I liked by
Sakina Needles on Etsy but them found she had her
own site. The colours are amazing - I think the top one is Briar Rose and the bottom one is Smokestack.
Such pretty colors!
Your wool looks beautiful. I really love the colors of both of them. Nice to see that the girls are getting into the spirit of spinning too by singing while you spin. How cute!
It looks fantastic! I have just got myself hooked on spinning. I have just been spinning 'sheepy' (smelly, dirty and uncarded) stuff so far, but I think I want to try something like that next.
The spun yarn and the roving look fantastic!! I can imagine that it's fun to be spinning and have the girls singing baa baa black sheep in the background!!
Congrats on the softie book. I just saw the cover at Soozs blog. You kept that one quiet or do I miss it. Well Done!! I can't wait to pick up a copy.
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