Another great thing about craft camp was reading time on the way there and back. I read The Fry Chronicles on the way over which I really enjoyed. I love his use of language. I read Bossypants by Tina Fey on the way back. I think I may have snorted with laughter a couple of times which always means a few odd looks when you are on a plane.
Now I am reading Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. I tried to go into this book with an open mind even though I had read many things about it, but early in the book she talked about finding activities for her children, but did not want them doing 'crafts' as they lead nowhere and I am now finding it hard to be objective.
Lastly there has been a lot of reading of the Slow Cooking recipe book and the slow cooker has been bubbling away on the bench.

I saw her interviewed in conjunction with the founder of Mumsnet and Tiger Mother kept referring to her book as being a self-parody. Hmmmm ... whatever.
All I could think was yikes when I read the bit about doing craft. The fact is so many things don't go anywhere but you never know when that one thing will.
Have heard a lot of good reviews of the Tina Fey book. Must get around to reading that!
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