These headbands seem to be multiplying in this house. The girls want them in every different colour and pattern. Lucky they can be made very very quickly.

Cut 1 piece of fabric 16.5" x 4" and 1 piece 7" x 1.5". You will need a piece of elastic 4" long.

On the larger piece of fabric fold and press 1/2" towards the wrong side at both ends.

Fold both pieces in half, right sides together. Pin and then sew. My seams were 1/4".

Turn right side out. I use a pair of hemostats to help me (these are fantastic for helping turn small things).

Thread the elastic through the smaller piece. I do this by attaching a safety pin at one end. I then thread it through and sew one end of the elastic to the end of the fabric, then pull and manipulate the safety pin to the other end, remove the safety pin and sew the other end of the elastic to the fabric.

Poke one end of the elastic piece into the end of the larger piece and top stitch in place. I double stitched for strength. Repeat for the other end. Finished!
a big fan of head bands and this is lovely.
Perfect! I was just thinking I would like to make some headbands for my niece's birthday present, Thank you for the tutorial.
Thank you. These will be lovely little Christmas gifts for nieces :)
Thank you for that. I've been wanting to make some and you've just made it very simple!
Hi Kate, these are great, I will know where to come for this pattern for all the girls I sew for. My first giveaway is on. Your girls may like my "le petit bunting".
great tutorial thanks! have been meaning to make one for a while, my 3 year old will love it!
Hi Kate, I can't wait for Talia to grow some hair! Then I'll be making tonnes of these!! Lv Lee
I love these. I'll have to try them out.
Gorgeous - perfect to make a little stash and to give as gifts! (Love your re-purposed verandah seat as well. You will have to be a good girl while sitting on that considering it's origins!!)
Thanks for the tutorial they look like perfect stocking fillers
Cute tute!
PS they were sorting the craft at the TT warehouse yesterday, should be in the stores next week.
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