I say you have no idea what you have unleashed. I have heard him wondering around muttering things like witty... supportive...fantasic and something about husband of the year.
I have found some great fabric at Textile Traders in the past year so I thought I would share it with you. Some are fat quarters, some are approx 20cm cuts and the one at the back is about 60cm.
The rules are
1. Leave a comment before Sunday about 6 pm Western Australian time.
That is it. Very simple. Yes I will post anywhere.

aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh the gnomes look at the gnomes!!!:)pick me!
Oh my goodness you sure know how to pick perfect fabrics for a giveaway!!!
Gorgeous fabrics Kate, thanks for sharing.
Wowee what a cute and lovely giveaway.
Ooooh lovely.
Oh maybe he can do guest posts like Mr. Soul Papa does on Soule Mama's blog every now and then. He has to remember though that your the wonderful person who introduced him to that wonderful crafty world too, lol! The fat quarters look great Kate, nice choices.
Very generous giveaway Kate - thankyou! I bet you wished Mr Banshee never went to market ;)
Delicious! I love them all! but I do have a weakness for goldfishies!
P.S. I've been peeping at your stuff now and then for the past couple of months and am so inspired by your creativity and I really love your style. Thanks for the inspiration.
Oooo pink VWs and the gnomes cute....
Perfect fabrics, how can you part with them?
Many thanks :)
Those a fabrics are so cute! I'd love any of them!
Oh those fabrics are awesome! I'm crossing my fingers!
Oh how can I resist a giveaway! I love the fabrics...esp the orange one at the back!
Those fabrics would look great in my tiny stash :) Have a neat day
Love the fabrics and your husband has a right to be proud. I didn't leave a comment, but I had a good chuckle!!
Beautiful fabrics, and very generous for a giveaway.
I Loved Mr Banshee's blog. I've just started a blog and my boyfriend wants to take over it already after hearing about Mr Banshee's (thought I told him he had to come to a craft show before he could write one)! Fabrics are really cute.
I hear so many good things about Textile Traders - wish we had themhere in VIC.
Thanks for sharing the gorgeous Heather Ross prints *sigh* her stuff is so cute.
oh vw's and gnomes. What a great combination. Hope they managed to find a good home...... (mine) hehehehe.
gorgeous fabrics and a generous giveaway
good luck everyone :)
I did enjoy his perspective on the fair! Didn't quite get around to showing my support though, sorry. Good way to get him to go back next year though. Imagine he could be taking notes next time. Goodness what have you done?!!
Lovely giveaway you have here too. Such wonderful pieces of fabric one of us would be very excited about I'm sure.
Oh man, I fell in love with heather ross far too late and now most of her stuff is out of print! I do hope I win!
Holly xx
Aren't you sweet parting with such lovely bits! the florals really take my fancy. : )
Those fabrics are so gorgeous - love the goldfish, gnomes and combies! Wowwee!
Oh pick me, please pick me. I love the gnomes and the goldfish.
Yes please Ms Banshee!! And I'm sure if he comes though on the sewing machine he will indeed be husband of the year ;) xox
me me, pick me! Those fabrics are delish!
I just posted a giveaway today too :)
wow, gnomes and goldfish, please please please please pretty please?
those garden gnomes are just the cutest - ever!
Oooh, I wanted to go to Textile Traders when we were in WA but was thwarted by no Sunday trading! Love those gnomes.
Oh yes please!! Very generous giveaway, what gorgeous picks!
Gnome-tastic giveaway! Think of all the gnomish treasures I could make with these awesome fabrics!
Wow Kate, this is popular! Love the combi vans!
Great fabrics! and I am still smiling at Mr Banshee's post
wow such a generous giveaway... have you seen the prices that Heather Ross stuff goes for on Etsy... please enter me in the draw. I would love to win...
What a great offer, you're so kind.
Great fabrics, would love to use them :)
Best regards,
They are such cute fabrics! I hope I win!!
Oh my goodness! I would so love to own a little piece of Heather Ross fabric!
Wow gnomes and fish, my favourites. Thank you for being so generous.
Oh my such delicious fabrics...thoses gnomes are the cutest xx
Gnomes! VWs! Lovely giveaway - yes please!
Oh my, is that pink combies!?!?!?
Such cute fabric. I do love the fishies too......Very generous of you.
Ohh what beautiful fabric - I'm sure I could sneak some more in without my husbadn seeing! I loved your husband's commentary on the craft show. I think there is a special place reserved in heaven for long suffering partmers of crafters. Thanks for the great giveaway!
that fabric is so adorable it's killing me. Thanks
My Perth friends are always on the lookout for fabrics at TT for me.
cute fabrics!
I really enjoyed your posts and Mr Banshee's post about the stitches and craft show, I'm thinking about popping over to probably melbourne next year, from NZ
Love a giveaway. So glad that the fair went well. Sounds like a lot of fun.
I think I might have a home for those lovely gnomes. I've seen somewhere that you can get little gnome doors to nail at the base of a tree.
The fabric with the goldfish in the bowls. Fabulous!
Thanks for the 'heads up'. I'm always on the look out for new fabric stores to look through. Great choice by the way. Tess.
Hahaha... just read Mr Banshee's post, he is funny. Yay, husband of the year, you lucky lady.
I love that your husband did a guest post. I dont think I could get mine to. =(
oh lordy! I can see some delectable (and now out of print)Heather Ross fabrics if my eyes don't deceive me!
I only just stumbled on your blog today (during a rather boring training session at work that needed a little craft blog googling to stop me falling asleep).
hmmm, is this fate? I have been looking for that garden gnome fabric for a while now.....
Many thanks for your creative outputs, just what i needed today :)
I NEED those fabrics. I hope I win. That is it - very simple!!!!!Thanks for sharing.
omg! gorgeous fabrics! you sure you'll post anywhere? i'm in Malaysia and I do hope I win as this is the first time i ever participate in a giveaway ever! thank you for being such a generous soul :)
Lovin' those combi's - and the rest are glorious too! Thanks for such a great giveaway!
It was wonderful to get a husbands perspective on the craft scene! What a lovely giveaway - TT's is one of my favourite stores - you never know what treasures you will find!
what a lovely bunch of fabrics........tell Mr Banshee to get crafting or stop gloating on all his lovely comments.........
can you pack him up in a box til the next time you need him at a craft show or markets.........lol.......
Glad Mr Banshee had a wonderful time with guest blogging.
Those little fish just made me have to enter ;)
Isn't nice to have a great hubby who even though doesnt really get how cool crafting makes you feel is super supportive all the same (I am lucky enough to have one of them to)
Thanks for the giveaway, Bel x
Oh, the goldfish are adorable!
Fantastic fabrics, thanks for the giveaway. I have been chuckling quietly about Mr. Banshee.
oh Kate what a lovely giveaway that fabric is just toooooooo cute!!!
OOOOOoooooooooooo what lovely fabrics! those are some of my very favorites!!! how generous of you!
I love your choices - I want those fabrics badly, I am very new to this - please pick me!
Great fabrics! I love the gnomes and the vans! They would be perfect for the I Spy quilt that I am gathering fabric for that is going to be for my son.
Whee! There are fish! How can you bear to part with such cute goldfish fabric?!
Hahaha -- Husband of the Year -- Indeed! MORE!!!! MORE!!! {Standing Ovation} Send him back out for an Encore!!!
And Eeeeeekkkkkk!!! Look at those fabulous fabrics! It's so funny to see your comments and what others focus on -- the fish! the gnomes! I love those mini-vans!!!
Ooohhh what a wonderful fantastic fabrics!! i love them!
loving all of those fabrics. this is one of the most generous giveaways that I've seen for a while!
Sweet! Thanks for the op!
Hold on, what, gnomes and goldfishes? I hadn't realised how much I adore gnomes and goldfishes!! :)
Hi Kate! Love those fabrics! The goldfish and the Kombi vans! How could you give them away??? Anyway, if you are going to - give them to me!
Delightful fabrics :)
I love reading your blog and the fabric is great!
Count me in and thanks heaps Kate.
That fabric is too cute!! Thanks so much for sharing.
Sue Cahill (sbonetsue at yahoo dot com)
That fabric is sooooo adorable! LOVE it!
Is that a combi van I see??
I must have them!!!
Wow! What a great giveaway!
I love the goldfish print. So cute!
Oooooh....Sooooo cute!!!! Pick me!!!
I love your blog! I would love to visit Australia someday.
I love the post of a man's view....and the fabric is great stuff. Count me in.
wow! love the gnomes and the little fish!
I would love to win! Thanks for being so generous. I have a tiny bit of the gnomes left but the others I don't have at all and would love to. :)
I have no idea what time it is in Western Australia right now, but no winner announced yet so I'm posting!
Oooh! Lovely, lovely fabric!!! :)
I love this fabric. Thanks for the chance to win them.
How wonderful of you to share!! Thanks :D
Thank you so much, my son will love youu forever if I win those gold fishies!
THE FISHIES!!!!!! Oh my goodness, what a great giveaway!
THANKS for doing this!
Are you open to bribery and corruption? I have the services of the 'in-house techsupport/maths geek' to facilitate construction of quilt patterns to offer.
Just love the gnomes, and the yellow at the front, and pink vw's and the orange with flowers and the ....
Fingers crossed!
Lovely giveaway!!
Oh, how generous! :D The V-dub and the gold fishy are definitely my favourites. Now, this is one giveaway that I HAVE to participate in ;)
what a generous giveaway. seriously salivating over the goldfish and know the pink v-dubs will find a very happy home too. and know i will be arm wrestling the other sewer here for the gnomes and florals.
thank you
ooh pretty fabric! I totally love the fish fabric in particular!
so generous for you to share with someone very lucky!
lol.... thats so funny.....men are so easy to win over! I guess we will be hearing more from the mister?? ;) Great giveaway idea!!
Love your blog - check in everyday. Started sewing again because stumbled upon your blog one day by accident.
Love all the fabricm especially the VW fabric.
Lovely giveaway!!
Count me in.
Andi :-)
Love the fabrics, what a great giveaway.
What darling fabric! Those fishies are too cute! thank you for the chance at the giveway!
Oh, what fabric goodness!
Wow, Beautiful fabric! What a generous giveaway, I would love to enter, thanks for the chance!!
Oh how cute!! You are so generous. Please count me in. Love your blog....thanks for the inspiration !!
oh tehse are just adorable!!! Much love to them
Oh gnomes, goldfish and VW buses how cute can it get.
so cute - please pick me!
So many pretties! Love them all
oh me me! These would make awesome fabric covered buttons yes?? I'm on the verge of going crazy with fabric covered buttons!!!
Oh my gosh. gnomes and goldfish fabric? Those make this the best fabric giveaway EVER! I want this fabric badly... very very badly.
Jodie sent me. I came in search of Mr Banshee's comments and found a giveaway - what luck! Please consider me for your giveaway.
Cutie goodness abounds! Love the selection. (BTW, read Mr. Banshee's blog entry to my hubby. He totally agrees with a Bloke Lounge. When I visit shops on our travels, he sits in the car with the dog reading a book...
I have been looking all over the UNIVERSE for the gnomes! Please, pick me!!!!
How cute is that yellow floral? The colours remind me of my Grandmothers kitchen when I was growing up in the 70s. I very much enjoyed Mr Banshee's thoughts on the Craft fair. Wild horses wouldn't drag my husband there!!!
Love the fish, love the gnomes. Very cool fabrics and I'm sure I could make something fabulous....
Great merchandise... :)
Oh I love your choice of sweet fabrics.Lovely .And thanks for blogging.Very much inspiration.
coming out of lurkdom to say they are all gorgeous, so many little projects come to mind
Oh wow! I have my fingers crossed!
delandlilsmom at yahoo dot com
Well, I guess I'm too late!...But anyways, I'm glad I found your blog!!! Lovely fabrics!
Oooooh the fish, pick me :) pretty please.
I really enjoyed meeting you at Rosehill. Great fabrics!
They are lovely fabrics - you have marvelous taste!!
What a great collection of fabrics! Lisa.
That fabric looks mint!
very nice fabrics ... would love to add them to my collection!
Love all of the fabrics! I enjoy reading your blog everyday. Have a beautiful weekend.
Wow! What a giveaway, count me in!
Great fabrics, love the VW combie vans..........just devine. I read your blog most days and find it very inspiring, just love the way you place your colours/patterns. Keep up the great work Kate and thanks for a great giveaway. Fingers crossed......
Ahh the goldfish! And the vans! What a great giveaway!
Cute cute fabrics! Thanks for the great giveaway.
spackattak7 at hotmail dot com
Oh Wow! These are the best fabrics! I've touched them, they feel oh so great! Thank You for a neat giveaway!
So pretty! Fabric is so cheerful.
These fabrics are too lovely to give away, you should keep them and create something wonderful. I met you in Sydney...love your style!
Very very generous giveaway.
Ooh pick me! :)
All wonderful fabrics, I'm sure I could find a use for them!
Oh my!! You had me at Gnomes..These are just beautiful *& have just stumbled across your blog from someone elses & realised I was about post 139, but these are too gorgeous not to try for. Thanks for the lovely giveaway.
Wow. Great give away. I hope 140 will be a luck #.
: )
me me me me pick me ! oh my golly gosh you are so lucky to find those lovelies...when is textile traders moving here! when when when!
Count me in for some Heather
Ross goodness.
What a great little pile of lovliness. Thanks for the opportunity to win them.
Gorgeous fabrics there!
Can't pass up the opportunity to add to my single HR fat 1/4. Sad but true!
wonderful fabrics, wow! Thanks for the chance!
oh yeah, I just found your blog... it's way past my bedtime, but I can't stop reading. These Heather Ross fabrics are awesome, perfect giveaway, very generous - Pick me.... ;)
The gnomes. The gnomes. I know they want to come to my home. What a great giveaway, Kate.
Take care,
Gorgeous fabrics. Thanks! And thanks for sharing Mr Banshee with us, and for allowing him his moment of big-headedness; hope he has come back to earth now!
haha. just read Mr. Banshee's guest post, sent over from Jodie, and I loved reading it. And of course, I've seen the Bernina post. Amazing. Definitely husband of the year material there.
Oh, do you know how long I've been wanting the little fishies? Love, Love it!!
Hello - how lovely of you to be giving away such beautiful fabric! I love it all - especially the gnomes!!!
Andrea in Minnesota, USA
Gorgeous - how can you give them away?!
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