ball of wool became a little hat. A nice change from all the pink clothes around here. Not that I have anything against pink - I love to dress the girls in pink, but I would like a change now and then. I went into Target last week and all the baby clothes were pink. Boys got to choose from blue, brown, red, orange and green. Another good reason to sew clothes for them.

I thought things were a little too quiet.
Ha ha - classic photo! I have one of my twins where they pulled the drawers out of a tall dresser and climbed on top of it, step-wise, then cleared everything off the top onto the floor. Very cute hat.
Im going to have to get the pattern Kate for the hat...if Emma can knit a hat so can I lol.... beautiful just got to love them
Oh, they're so cute! And I totally get the pink-avoidance. I'm not against pink, just the head-to-toe pink look. Same reason I sew for the bub. :-)
ohhhh boy! What a photo, thats too funny! My Kez makes messes like that too but you've got double trouble. LOL, thanks for sharing and nice hat!
Great photo - clever girls made themselves some bunk beds!
What a pretty hat it is! And I adore the photo of the little ones, it is the cutest ever!
Hahaha, toooo funny!! look at their faces!
I loove this kind of a babyhat! So cute!
Ha Ha Ha! Yeah too quiet. There ya go! Beautiful wool, beautiful hat!
oh, goodness - love that 2nd photo. how many times do we end up picking up an entire bookcase of books? :)
haha, your kids surely know how to enjoy themselves. :)
It must be double the fun being a twin but double the mess for you.That photo is just priceless. The hat is gorgeous as are your girls!
cute hat, i hear ya on all the pink. It looks like the twins are having fun. oh boy!
Oh dear :-) did they tidy up? Lovely hat . Gorgeous pics of the girls in your last post too
Lisa x
What a brilliant photo. There's never a dull moment at your place is there?!
That is a lovely hat! And a great photo - pleased you took the time to take a photo of them. The look on their faces is great.
Kids are so funny! Most of the time. Hope the girls are loving and enjoying their new sister and friend.
I bet those girls get away with all sorts with one of those smiles!
The hat is lovely!
Oh No!!! I wouldn't know whether to laugh or cry! I think my first instict would be to laugh though!
shut up! I love that picture! I am laughing out loud!!! so cute!
Oh cute! I have a photo of my now teenagers in the same pose! Can you post the pattern for the hat? So beautiful - I want to make one for my new nephew.
Ha ha!!! That is so funny! Looks just like something my 3yo would do... what cheeky monkeys... and they are never very good at putting them all away either (well my kids aren't!) :-D
OhMyGosh! That picture of the girls in the bookcase is adorable. You do have your hands full!
Oh my! That is too funny :) Looks like they were having fun! (Maybe a bit too much though! :)
Hmm.. now to put all the books into bed and you're all done!
Loovvee te hat!! Also realy love the one you have in your header. I'm into making hats and have a weakness for making the funny conical caps.
ROFL!!! Allison used to do the same exact thing! What is it about little kids wanting to cram themselves into tiny spaces??? lol!
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