Some lovely mail arrived at my place this week - the 2015 That Patchwork Place Calendar.

Martingale kindly sent me an extra copy which I am going to give away to an Australian reader (Australia Post has made international giveaways ridiculously expensive).
Sitting on the couch trying new techniques such as needle turn applique and English paper piecing has made me think about my favourite parts of sewing and quilting so all you have to do is leave a comment telling me your favourite part of quilting or sewing.
I'll draw a winner next Sunday 31st August.
it's the friends (online and in real life) that you get to share the sewing with.....thats the best part........and putting the last finishing touches to a project.......
Lovely quilt.....congrats
AP sure had ruined the joy of giving/swapping internationally....the cost is crazy.....
Because I love paper piecing its the tearing of the paper at the end of the block, and pressing, could iron/press all day, as long as its sewing/quilting related ;)
Dont get me started on Australia Post not the place to be on a soap box ahhaahahaah
A beautiful collection of quilts. My favourite part of sewing this year has changed completely as I go from being a stitchery queen with basic patchwork skills to concentrating more on piecing & making more of the beautiful fabrics we are so lucky to have access to. It is a blessing also to be part of such a wonderful international crowd of quilters & designers on Instagram who are very encouraging & free with their tips & help. Tracee xx
I'm in the US and can't enter to win but I wanted to congratulate for having one of your gorgeous quilts featured on the calendar.
So exciting to have your quilt featured Kate - Congrats. My favourite part is hand sewing on the binding. I know a lot of people hate that part but for me it is the final touch to something that has been made from the heart.
It's the fabric colour print pattern search to start with and the binding at the end! I also love the bonds with people who also get you!
Congrats on your quilt being featured on the calendar. My favourite thing is definitely binding a the prep and the stitching as well, but there is no feeling like putting the final few stitches in a binding!
I love being able to say "I made that" and the sense of achievement that goes with it. I'm also very thankful for the community that sewing has given me.
Congrats on having your quilt featured in the calendar and the chance to win.
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