Evie is a night screamer. It s something I have realised is not going to change at the moment. It has taken four months to realise this. We have spoken to people and tried everything. She just wakes up sometime in the middle of the night and cries for 2 hours. It is always about 2 hours. Even if she does go back to sleep (which doesn't happen often) I am wide awake waiting for the screaming. I have found a benefit of this. Time to think and this is when little ideas pop into my head. Like this one. It is some kind of flying bug.

The wings are not quite as I want them so time to cut out bug number two and have another go.
I love the eyes...they remind me of when my daughter was night waking...I was wide eyed and WILD. Thinking of you and hope the little poppet gets out of that habit soon.
Cute bug! I find I have most of my good ideas late at night too. I always try to keep some scrap paper and a pencil next to the bed just in case!
I love the little bug! Oh dear that's not much fun though, I hope you get a good nights sleep soon!
It's hard to accept that things are what they are, but important I think. It's hardwork having a night screamer, hope it gets easier somehow for you. Great idea to use the time positively! Love your bug.
See, she's good for something at that hour. My youngest used to rock and go " ah, ah, ah" and usually for 2-3hours everynight. He rocked so much that he wore the screws loose in the cot. He eventually stopped doing it after he was about 15 months (thank goodness). I hope that Evie doesn't continue it for much longer. I once (or twice) used a very stern voice.....
I think your bug is great.
He has a great friendly face.
I sympathise with the screaming ...how draining
Wow! Love the bug. Wonderful positive out of a negative.
Sometimes being a parent is bloody hard work, then they reward us with little gems, moments of lovely. I hope Evie is giving you some of those too! xox
Poor Evie, is she lonely and scared. Perhaps you should put her in the same room as the girls and she might sleep better. Isabelle was a terrible sleeper and when she got older she told me she never liked sleeping in the room by herself. Some kids are like that, and yes my sister was too. At least you get some creative time, although probably not at the time you want it.
You poor thing getting woken up with screaming in the middle of the night, that must be driving you mad. I find it hard enough just getting up to feed. We are struggling to get the boys to bed lately and Thomas is taking advantage of his new big boy bed getting up and joining us many times during the evening. Although it has only been a few nights I'm already feeling worn very thin and really missing that peaceful evening time. Lets hope they all grow out of it soon :)
Love the bug too!
oh my boy is 8 months and does this too- doesnt seem to matter what i do, every night is the same...and i cant sleep coz i know as soon as my eyes shut- he will wake! but like you i see a positive...it'll all be over too soon and i'll be begging for cuddles- so i make the most of it, with a book and a day dream (or a night dream at that time of the night!)
Gorgeous bug by the way!
Perhaps one day you'll thank Evie for her night screaming as it allows you to act on your creativity! Creative and tired...hmmm...wonder if I could come up with something as cute as a flying bug. It's darling.
oh, i love the bug, but so sorry to hear about the screaming. i wish i had some great advice, but I don't. hang in there.
Good things obviously do come from adversity! Very cute!!
I am still getting up a few times in the night to roll a baby back onto his back and to feed him at 4am, so I know about being tired, but I can't even imagine hearing him scream for 2 hours. You poor things. Best wishes from us! :)
PS. A love bug?!
Poor you, does it wake the girls? Does she wake up screaming or is she screaming because she wants to be up and you are trying to get her to bed? Have you called Ngala?
Actually, I think that the 'screaming Evie' would be a cute name for the bug! I can relate, Lucinda wakes up still and I spend my nights up and down. I have found some interesting ideas come to me during that time of the night too!
It is a very nice evie...I hope you little one get some piece in her sleep.I also have one that struggles at night but it is getting better with time...Good luck :)
Kids grow up so fast Kate. Glad you made creative use of the time. I like the fabric choice for the wings.
Oh, sorry about screaming Evie. When my boys went through "phases" I always told myself "they won't be doing this when they're 18. And I'm happy to say, when they were 18, they weren't sucking on pacifiers, sleeping in my bed, or wearing a diaper. ;-) In the meantime, it appears to be paying off handsomely with your cute little prototype bug. Now, I'll be dreaming of those lovely red shoes you've just purchased!
What a nice littel bug! I definitely hope that Evie stops screaming at nights, hugs!
Love it! Love the Pop Garden and the green floral wreath fabrics.
I just made some softies too, three different kinds! Check them out.
Sorry to hear about your daughter. Hope you can find a way together to get rest.
Love the softie!
Gorgeous softie bug! Wide-eyed and cute!
I hope she is doing better soon. My littlest is crying cause she seems hungry which is odd but hopefully that will pass soon. I hope the teeth from in soon. I have heard that they sort of get swollen and then recede and then get swollen and come through.
poor poor you!! you know i can relate. i've gone back to giving mae a bottle when she wakes up in the night because otherwise i get the 2 hour cry fest (almost exactly 2 hours too, it's weird!) and i just can't take it. i know i'll probably be giving her a bottle in the night until she's three now but so be it. xox
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