The Little Tulip quilt is finished.

I quilted it with loops and thought I would add a few tulips as well. Mmm they kind of look like tulips, but they also kind of look like chicken feet.

Winter has finally arrived. It has rained for the last two days and it is cold. The fire is finally lit and I have been thinking knitting, especially beanies. Poor Evie is still lacking hair so needs something to keep her warm. I have wound three skeins of handspun so if she screams tonight I'll be on the couch with these.
What an amazing lady you are! Broken sleep, finished quilt, and you still want to make something for the little one that keeps you up at night. Hats of too you! xox
I love this quilt!phylliso
Lovely quilt and that yarn looks pretty!
Your quilt looks so nice! I like the tulip quilting, very original. Lovely yarns too!
Have you considered sleeping on a different floor so you can't hear her scream? I had to do this with mine. There's nothing I could do for her, she didn't need anything, and I had to get sleep! I also wear earplugs so her every little noise doesn't wake me now.
nothing worse than a baby crying at night. I hope it passes soon.
Love the tulip quilt, very sweet!
you are so talented! it is so hard to function on such little sleep isnt it...but i also find that sewing/knitting keeps me sane, even through the fog. Well done...that quilt is perfect timing with this colder weather coming through...beautiful yarn too...enjoy : )
You are very brave...broken sleep used to do a lot of damage to me!!
The quilt is beautiful :)
Yes I totally agree with Sandrine, it used to turn me into a mess for the entire day. I hope she gets her teeth soon. I love the colors for the beanies too, Isabelle's hair took 3 years to grow thick enough not to need a hat. The quilt is very pretty too.
Such pretty, pretty yarn! I love the colours. Hope Evie settles soon and that you can catch up on sleep when you can. I never used to nap, but found it really helped when I had a screamy child.
I love the quilt ,a nd the colours in the yarn is gorgeous. Our son was a screamer too. Cant offer you much advice (you've probably had enough of that already). We found that Baby Dymadon worked better than Baby Panadol, oh and buying bonjella in bulk. Good Luck with the sleep. I know how you feel.
Your quilt is so pretty! I hope Evie doesn't cry all night but if she does I look forward to seeing what coimes out of the lovely yarn...
Well, can't wait til you and Chris and Eva visit. But I have a great idea, I can stay up late online gaming and if she cries I'll be right there! Dummies, Wiggles dvd, warm milk laced with brandy, just tell me what to do. Btw nice quilt too. xx
Here's hoping for a quiet night but at least you have a project in mind to work on. Poor little Evie! Poor mom and dad!
i love the quilt. so cute.
It´s lovely! And nice yarn, too =)
Beautiful Quilt!!
I hope your little one starts sleeping better soon!
Not chicken feet -- definitely tulips. And very pretty tulips, I might add. Your yarn looks yummy too - I hope you didn't have to use it in the middle of the night!
I really love this quilt design Kate! Very nice work. And I agree with Anna, the stitching looks like tulips, not chicken feet!
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