So a quick summary of the weekend.
Wandering aimlessly around the city - I had forgotten how much fun that is.
Actually reading Saturday's papers.
I think Chris enjoyed having no plans, sleeping in, playing computer games with Paul and going to the movies.
Going out to restaurants and having great food and Gemma cooking great food for us too.
I dragged Gemma to some craft shops I really wanted to see - here are some photos of what I had to have.
Felt from Winterwood

Baby Cashmerino from Sunspun (so soft and squishy)

Chris and I went out to Bridge Road on Friday and it was so nice to go into Meet Me At Mikes and meet Pip.

the fabric and felt you've bought look scrummy!! bet you can't wait to use them : )
Wow! What a great shopping time you had, love it all, I can see alot there for the girls eventually.
Some wonderful shopping! Glad you enjoyed your little holiday!
Glad you had a great trip! Melbourne is fab for shopping and for a weekend away. The girls must've missed you.
Oh I used to love going to Bridge Road, but that was before I had any kids. I love the felt and will have to make my way over there to that shop. Isnt Sunspun such a lovely knitting shop too, although I havent been there since the new owners took over a while ago. I love the colors of the DB yarn, what are you going to make out of it. Sounds as though you had a wonderful holiday.
so glad you had fun! you certainly got some pretty stuff to take home!
Sounds very restorative! What a wonderful haul you brought back.
It looks like you found some lovely goodies! That yarn is such a lovely color! :)
Glad you enjoyed your weekend.
Looks like a great trip! I love those shirts.
Oh your weekend sounds lovely. Its such a luxury to actually read the papers on the day they are published. I find I am still reading Sunday's paper on Thursday or Friday.
Amitie and Mikes are great places to visit and I am hoping to get to My Poppet soon - especially after seeing those t shirts!!
You came to Melbourne and didn't stop by? I would have loved to toddle out to Winterwood with you - Isn't it the best? Glad you enjoyed our little ol town.
oh oh oh I'm moving to melbourne and you've got me all excited about the type of shopping I will be doing down there!!!!!!!! looks like you had some fun! sunpsun is my favourite knitting store...ever
oooh- so much goodness! i'm so glad you had a great time away- and it looks like you did some wonderful shopping. the t-shirts for the girls are amazing!
Is that wool felt? What pretty colors! I've been looking for a good wool felt source..
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