The lack of sleep isn't being helped by us moving them out of their cots at the start of the week. Our spare double bed is now in their room and is now their bed. We decided there was just not enough room for 2 single beds and they have been quite happy at my parents sleeping together in their spare double bed. Now we just have to get a new spare double bed or fold out bed for visitors.
We have had wonderful spring weather for a few days this week. Mum and I managed to dig out the vegie patch with a little help from the girls. I wish I had taken a before picture as it was like a jungle.

Great photos. I cringe when I see kids all dirty like that. I'm thinking "don't come near me or the house with those dirty hands".
Great idea with the girls in a double bed. I'm sure they will settle well when they are well.
Crossing my fingers for you and a good night sleep. Sweet Dreams xx
hope the sniffles go away soon! love the garden photos - i love when are kids go digging! as long as they're not digging up veggies! :)
Aw, look at those two cute little banshees in the dirt! LOL. Hope they're feeling better soon.
They look so cute in their patch of dirt digging away. I am sure once they are better they will sleep fine together. I do understand totally about the lack of sleep, as Isabelle has chickenpox at the moment so she only wants me, therefore we have to sleep together on the fold out couch. I cant wait until I can sleep in my own bed. Those fabrics are just beautiful too, especially the russian dolls.
Colds tend to hang around for ages over our way, too. Hope your little ones' sniffles evaporate next week, when the predicted warm weather is supposed to arrive. Its not amusing having to chase after them to wipe the snot, before they smear it on the furniture. :-)
I hope your little ones feel better soon!
Lovely new fabrics!
i think it is just soooo cute that they sleep in the same bed!
I've been on vacation for just about two weeks now and I've been missing all the fun of blogging lately. Love the photos!
Love the shots of your garden.
I've just tagged you in a meme.
Oh, this post sounds sooooo familiar - We have two sniffly children here too!! They are both sleeping well but their days are so cranky and grumpy! This time of the year always brings so many sniffles with all the weather changes!! Hope you and your little ones get some sleep soon, refreshed for more great crafting!!
I love that nesting doll pattern, such possibilities.
I thought we had escaped the colds this season, but we too have had runny noses and coughs here this week.
I'm wrecked.
Hope your cherubs get better soon. happy kids, happy mummy.
We've had the sickies here too. But it's back to school in the morning. I ADORE your red roses bag in your shop and hope you don't sell it B4 my next pay day!
Hiya Kate, thanks for the comments on my blog :) It's great to get encouragement, so thank you! Your cute lil kiddies in the garden reminded me of when I would love sitting in our backyard with just a hose dirt and my hands to make "mudpies". Good messy fun! No need for Playstation in those day! hehe
Oh, that doll fabric is adorable!
Something lovely shall be made!!
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