Amanda tagged me for this meme which is very handy as I have one picture of a finished doll and not much else to say this week except we have nearly recovered, except for my sense of smell, you would think it would make me stop eating, but no it hasn't.
Q1. What were you doing 10 Years ago?
I had just finished Uni and really didn't have a plan and just took work wherever I could for a year.
Q2. What were you doing 1 Year ago?
Pretty much what I am doing now. At home with the girls and I'd just started really getting back into sewing and desiging my own soft toys.
Q3. What are 5 snacks you enjoy?
Tim Tams, Pink Lady Apples, Almonds, Shortbread biscuits, Celery with peanut butter
Q4. What are 5 songs you know the lyrics to?
Quite a lot of great/bad 80s music (depending on your perspective)
Q5. 5 things you would do if you are a Millionaire?
Travel, a slightly bigger house, donate more to charity.
Q6. 5 Bad habits?
I try to keep these to myself
Q7. 5 things you like to do?
Sew, read, cook, spend time with Chris and the girls, quiet time by myself.
Q8. 5 Favourite Toys?
Sewing machine, overlocker, camera, MP3 player, computer
Q9. 5 things you would never wear?
Shorts - haven't worn them for years, gold lame, tiger print, acrylic jumpers, midriff tops.
Q10. 5 things you hate to do
Get up when it's cold, clean the bathroom, dust, shopping with the girls, pack to go anywhere.
So if you are looking for something to write about this week consider yourself tagged.