I looked at the weather forecast at the start of this week and decided I needed some loose fitting cool tops for the hot weather. I wasn't sure weather to go with the Tiny Pocket Tank or the Wiksten so I asked Instagram and the winner for my figure was the Wiksten.

I used some rayon from Spotlight that was on special last week. Unlike some of the rayon I have bought there this was lovely to sew, not shifty at all.
It is currently 37 and this top is perfect. I still want to try the Kate top and Datura, but I'm sure I'll be making more of these.
Oh good...no shifty shit! LOL As always, stylish! I think even the chickens are impressed.
Looks great! Sure had been tank weather, and more to come....
Hi, The tank looks great. I have been looking at this pattern for ages but as a new sewer and not that sure of fabric/pattern matches do you think this tank would look all right sewn with cotton such as printed cotton or lawn from Spotlight.
Thanking you in advance.
I was introduced to your blog last night and I think you are now my newest favorite!!
Thanks Miss K! I think it would be fine with lawn or voile, it just won't have quite as much drape as the rayon does. I have some voile and lawn sitting here waiting to become more Wiksten tanks!
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