It is giveaway time! While sorting fabric on the weekend I realised I had 2 of these layer cakes so I thought I would give one away. It is Happy Campers by American Jane for Moda, and will also include 3 of my patterns that you can use a layer cake to make.

The rules are simple - leave a comment by Sunday night Western Australian time and I will randomly choose a winner. Open to everyone wherever you are.

Now I am heading back to the couch near the fire to sew bindings on these cot quilts and talk to Evie while she plays.
I'm in! Good luck everyone! x
I love that collection and would love to have just one of your patterns let alone three! Thanks for the chance!! -Michelle
Hooray for generous bloggers!!
Thanks for the chance to win.
Andi :-)
I would love it! I just had twins a couple of weeks ago - maybe I could make something for them. You know, if I ever get any sleep again!
Yes please!! And I know which quilt I would make too ;) xox
I would love to make a quilt to use in our camper, that fabric is so perfect for it :))
Oh what a wonderful giveaway - a perfect combination of fabric and patterns. Thanks for your generosity.
For fear that it might be Sunday night down under already, here is my most likely unlucky entry. Thanks for the chance!
Ah yeah count me in! I love the look of that layer cake! Hmmm I should be sewing binding too ...
What a busy girl you are. Would love to be a winner!
Oh my, what a great giveaway!
I'd love the chance to make a quilt using your pattern!
Thank-you for the opportunity to win ;-)
Yes please and its my birthday on monday. Monica
What a great giveaway Kate, count me in please! I think that is what I should be doing, sitting down and making a quilt. With this weather it would be perfect!
Great giveaway! I'd love to win this!!
I love finding stuff that's hidden in my fabric cupboards!!
Thanks for the generous giveaway!
Hi Kate, thanks for a fantastic giveaway, I'll be keeping my fingers and toes crossed.
Thank you for a most generous giveaway!!
Oooo! Fabric and pattern! Pick me! Pick me!
Hi Kate, I love your blog. Thanks for sharing with us all the beautiful things you make. Cherie in NZ :)
Ooh ooh - I rarely enter giveaways, but Happy Campers is too appealling to resist as when I tried to buy a pack myself a while ago, the shop I tried had sold out. So - count me in too, pretty pretty please!
I'v e just used most of my last lot of squares won in a giveaway so it would be great to have them replaced. Thanks for the chance!! Cherrie
Oh how awesome...Thanks so much for the chance to win..
Gorgeous! I haven't quilted since my kids were born four years ago. I'd love to start quilting again. Thanks.
I'd love to win any of those layer cake patterns but I'd be ecstatic if I won all three and a layer cake! Wowee - thanks for sharing (and enjoy being cosy and snug under a quilt by the fireside).
I love, love, love that fabric line! Thanks for the chance!
A layer cake to win I am in...
Sylvia F:)
Wonderful fabrics, even lovelier patterns. Please count me in.
How generous you are! I don't know that I could part with the Happy Camper range myself - it is too gorgeous for words. I'm sure whoever wins will be a very happy camper. (I'd love it to be me!) Thanks for sharing.
x Sarah
I would love to be in it :-)
Great giveaway!!
Lovely candy! Would love to win it!
Happy Campers, what a great collection that is. Enjoy your binding.
I love the fabrics!
and the pattern is great.
I'm in..
fantastic giveaway - certainly would brighten my day if I won! :D
Pick me, pick me!!! My husband won't buy me one of those cute little caravans to use as a sewing room. I would be very happy with some Happy Campers fabric instead.
The fabric would make a perfect blanket to lie under and star gaze!
Ooh I'm in. I love that range.
I think you idea for your dads quilt is great. I look forward to seeing how it turns out.
oooh, great giveaway :)
Enjoy chatting to Evie while she sleeps :)
WOOHOO !!! thankyou for the giveaway, your patterns look scrumptous. Cheers
What a great giveaway
Please count me in!
Very generous! What a great prize this would be.
It's a wonderful giveaway and I like your patterns as well. Perhaps I am the lucky one?
Das ist aber ein schönes giveaway und ich mag Deine Anleitungen. Vielleicht habe ich Glück?
I'm in...thanks...
Gorgeous giveaway. The fabric is yummy. Thanks for offering it up to some lucky person.
what a fabulous giveaway, count me in please!
How exciting! A giveaway...the fabric and your patterns look lovely!
this is great.
You are making me jealous though - wish we had a fireplace. Even the heating is struggling at the moment. how many layers can I wear to bed?
that is so nice of you
i love that collection but dont have it yet!
i would love to use it with one of your patterns
thanks alot!!!
Ohh Count me in too please! I love that fabric line! Thanks for the generous giveaway!
such nice fabric, such nice blogger, please count me in...
X Ellen
i really love your blog, and i hope i have a chance ind this give away.
Hug Sara
How sweet! Yes please Missus.
I love happy campers, and the patterns, wow. Thanks for the giveaway.
Count me in! I've just finished my first quilt and I've definitely caught 'the bug'. Those patterns are gorgeous!
Wow gorgeous fabric and such a generous giveaway! Please let it be me that wins!!!
Shelley xx
Those fabrics are so lovely! Thank you for being so generous!
ooh, yeah, please please please?
Just wondering, any wombat patterns in the near future on esty? Love the quilts... do I feel my first quilt coming on?
Oh, I would love to make one of your quilts!
Wow what a great giveaway. Hope I'm lucky!
I'd love to make one of your quilts :)
What an awesome giveaway! I love the american jane fabrics!
That looks like a lot of binding to be hand sewn, good luck with it :)
Thanks for the chance!
Oooh Oooh - I'm in!
xx Amy
What a generous lady you are tempting us with such goodness.
thanks so much, I think it's time I moved on from the only quilt pattern I've ever done - the 4 inch square.
A great giveaway, love the look of the patterns
What a great give-away! Count me in please
Lovely giveaway :)
Count me in. Sounds like a wonderful giveaway.
I've played with charm packs but never a layer cake. My sister just bought a camper for vacation so this would make a cute quilt for her.
I love American Jane fabric! It is certainly great weather for some binding sewing:)
Thanks for a Great Giveaway...
The fabrics are fabulous. Sewing bindings is my favorite part of quilting.
oooo lovely! how nice of you!!
I have a quilt top made from that range that needs a backing and I' like to try a pieced backing. That would be prefect. Thanks for the generous offer!
OOOh pick me, pick me. Please?
Ooh, I almost bought a layer cake the other day but put it off till next pay but this one is very groovy and I have been admiring your quilts/patterns on your Etsy shop and now I have been given the opportunity to win them! Hooray! I would be totally thrilled to win!
Love the fabrics and your patterns. I would be happy to be the winner of them! Your blog always brings me cheer.
Yay!! Would love a quilt pattern to match Cosmo! Fabric is beautiful too! Thanks Kate
Thanks for the chance - my fingers are crossed!
Oh Wow! Happy camper! I love that! And it's a layer cake? I want to win that!
Love the cot quilts! Enjoy binding them.
very generous of you. so fun! thanks for the chance to win.
Thank you for sharing! I hope I win!
What a sweet giveaway.
What Beautiful patterns and fabric! (crossing fingers)
Your patterns are wonderful! What a generous offer! Thanks for the chance!
Wow! Thanks for the giveaway!
Awesome giveaway! I have to say this is one giveaway that I would really, really like to win.
Kimberlee, from
I'm just working on your in a spin pattern that I got from the fatquartershop. very good instructions and hope to post a photo soon. Would love to try another one of your patterns.
Speaking of binding... I was hoping you could recommend a book or a website that could help me. I have a few quilts put together and I cannot get the binding right to save my life.
Oooh would love those, thanks for the chance, Lis x
Add me to the list! Thanks!
pretty fabrics *_* thanks for hosting the giveaway!
I love these fabrics! Thanks for offering the giveaway.
Amazing! I would love to win!
pick me! pick me!
I hope I win! Thanks for a reat blog (I have back read to the beginning). Cheers, Jodie.
I came by while trying to rebuild my lost bookmarks & to get some much needed creative inspiration....your blog always provides this in bucket loads!
Plus a giveaway! Win-win!
Thanks for the chance to win. I love all 3 patterns and would love a chance to make one with this fabric.
lovely giveaway!
Your work is just beautiful and I'm most inspired!
great giveaway so generous, love your patterns and your work.
WOW what a generous blogger!!! I would love to win not only the fabric but the wonderful patterns too
Wow! What a great giveaway. Please count me in
Hat in the ring!
Need a bit more fabric (as you know ;-)
Another lovely give-away.....
pick me...
pick me...
pick me...
pick me...
love your blog..
Ok...I'm in like the rest of blogland!!!
love love love!! pick me pick me! :)
Good lord! Look at all those comments! I'll be scared if I won - quilting quite terrifies me!
Those cot quilts look yummy and the thought of sitting by the fire talking to Evie while you sew on the bindings is such a lovely image!
Love the fabric and patterns there gorgeous,I would love to win
got to be in it to win it and what a great great giveaway to win!
Yes please put my name in the hat!
Flick my name into the hat please.What a generous giveaway :) Barb.
Thanks Kate! Maybe this would get me to try some quilting.... Lv Lee
Look what happens when I don't turn on my computer for a few days; your inundated with entries for your great giveaway! That'll learn me for working overtime!
What an awesome giveaway! Love the fabric.
How lovely of you. American Jane is one of my most favourite designers.
a generous give-a-way..count me in...i love the fabric
great giveaway, I like that fabric..
I'd love to win it!
I've only just found your Fab blog! I now feel inspired, and need to sew rather than write more reports! Thanks Jo
I´m in :) By the way, I love your crazy carrots :D
Count me my fingers crossed!
Awesome giveaway! I just love your patterns... you make such beautiful things!
oops... I should add my name I guess :D Amy F!
Lovely to meet you at Stitches and Crafts a few weeks back. Thanks for the giveaway - I love, love, love Happy Camper. Fingers crossed! Nicole
What an amazing giveaway! Love the fabric and # patterns - wow.I will keep everything crossed until Sunday night! Diana M from Melbourne
count me in!
wow, that is really generous of you! Your patterns are lovely too, happy binding, I am off for some sewing too ( blanket stitching around an applique) hope to see you again soon at a craft show...Julie from Ruby Rose Designs...we met at Stitches and Craft Melb
Such a nice giveaway! What a lovely stash of fabric and some great patterns too!
whoa! lot of ppl wanting to win this one! got to be in it to win it!
Hi Kate ,thanks for the chance to win, wow !! lovely giveaway, got my fingers crossed!!!! :)
Ooh, I've been wanting some of this fabric...
oooh, i love the walk in the garden pattern!
Man there is alot of comments here. Chances are quite slim now. I need to practice sewing bindings on. My Mum helped me with the bindings when I made a couple of quillows but that is all I've done. Great weather to snuggle up on the couch and sew hey?
What fun! I'd love to make one of your quilts!!
you must get a whole lot of fabric to have 2 layer cakes and not know it. ;) thanks for the chance to 'help' you clean up.
The fabric is beautiful! How kind of you.
Great giveaway, thanks for the chance
love the quilt patterns.
Oh this is such a great giveaway. I love making pinwheels from layer cakes and that particular one is gorgous. Thanks for inviting me in.
Love your blog and love that your in WA like me.
get it???
down under...
pick me!!!
Thanks, Ever hopeful,so maybe I'll win.
You're so generous to have this giveaway. You have a beautiful blog with lots of inspiration.
I want to win :)
Fab giveaway, Kate. Thank you! Greetings from wintry Ballarat.
I can't resist! Count me in, thanks!!!
Oh I would love to win that fabric and three patterns to boot. How awesome. Thank you! ramona_murrayatcomcastdotnet
I love your softies! I saw that my cousin had made one of them so clicked over to your blog to see what else you had. Gorgeous!
what a great giveaway! I love your patterns - thanks for the chance!
I'm in, but honestly I just want to say - WOW. The stuff in your shop is amazing, gorgeous and just ... um... yep, amazing. Oh wait, I already said that, didn't I? Well I'll say it again - Am-Az-ing.
I would love to your draw! The patterns and fabric look great! Off to look at your shop now!
Thanks for offering such a wonderful giveaway. Yummy yummy ;)
I've been sewing quilt blocks all afternoon today so this is a timely giveaway for me. Would love to win this especially as it includes your lovely patterns.
could i be a winner? ooh, hope so!
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