Not much crafting this week and honestly I'm having trouble finding the sewing machine, pins, scissors under all the mess so a clean up is in order. It is time to let go of some fabric (I can't believe I am saying that). I am listing it on
Etsy here. Hopefully actual craft in my next post.
Hello! I met you on the first day of the show. I'm the one who wanted to talk about sewing over your finger and all that. I hope the rest of the show went really well and that your girlies coped happily without you.
Hope you find your sewing machine soon! I had to spring clean the house today, but my sewing room is yet to be done! Tomorrow.....
Oh! I was too slow! I saw the fish and they must be gone! Swim to Bondi little fishies!
and the FMF!! oh how I want to raid that stash. Was I too slow?!
What control to let them go, deep breath, love Posie
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