He also bought us an old Hills Hoist washing line from a neighbouring farm that wasn't being used as we did not have one and installed it for us and re-wired it (thanks Barry and Jan!). Quite a bit of the fence was also recycled. Dad picked up a lot of the posts, struts and other bits and pieces from farm clearing sales or from rubbish tips.

A rose photo especially for my Mum and for Annie who inspires me with her garden and her garden photos. Lucky a previous owner labelled a lot of the roses. Not so lucky we have Evie who is already trying to pull all the labels out.

I love Pierre de Ronsards and other climbing roses. This arbour has 8 different ones climbing all over it.

Wow what a wonderful dad you have for doing all those jobs for you. You must feel much better knowing the fence is secure now. I love roses too but never saved the names of mine either. Have fun with your veggie garden.
Looking good Kate! Fingers crossed the fence works xox
Wow, busy!! Love a proper clothes line, garden is looking good. Love Posie
Looks like such a great place, really makes me want to visit! What a great dad you have.
Wow - the garden is looking good! And it looks warm (it's been freezing here all weekend!)
well your dad is a keeper then! sounds very hands on! I can totally see my kids pulling out the tags too!!!!
happy gardening!
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