I have finally finished some new patterns and will slowly put them in
the shop today!

No Shampoo Update: It has been a year since I stopped using shampoo and conditioner and I don't think I will be going back. I admit I have used it a few times. I don't care what the hairdresser uses if I get a great head massage and a few weeks ago I thought I would use it and see what happened for a week. It went straight back to being greasy and not nice. So I am very happy using a bicarb soda mix every few days and a rinse of diluted apple cider vinegar. I haven't even being doing that for the girls. Their hair just gets rinsed with water and feels and smells fine. Life is so much better without the screaming that always comes whenever we tried to shampoo their hair. So I highly recommend giving it a go.
Edited to add: I use about 1 tbsp of bicarb in 1/2 cup of water and that seems to work for my hair, but I guess everyone might need a slightly different amount. I think I might use a few tbsp of vinegar in half a cup of water (I am a great measurer).
sounds like a great idea Kate maybe I should try it, no matter what I use I get greasy hair. When I was a teenager I used to shampoo then rinse with vinegar in water and it was wonderful but for no apparent reason I don't do it anymore. what measurement of bicarb do you use? do you make a paste, I can't remember what you said at the time
It does sound good. My little one has a very dry and itchy scalp at the moment so am wondering what is best. She also hates having her hair washed even though I only do it every couple of weeks. I would be interested in the receipe to please.
You will have to give us the measurements for the bicarb amount you use. I am always struggling to find a nice one to use with the kids and my son gets so many pimples from his it drives him crazy. I love all your patterns too Kate, I am sure they will be very successful.
Hey thanks for that Kate! I will give it a go tonight. Not sure if I'm up to it just yet though. Sounds a little gross, the oily bit!!
Cosmo is VERY sweet! In fact, they all are.
Thanks for the update on your hair. I am still pondering after 3 months!! I have cut down washing the kids hair to once a week for the ones are school. Nothing for the others. And their long blonde hair looks amazing. How did you go thought the hot summer? That is my only concern being in the tropics.
Patterns are great Kate. Nina's flowers and Fergus are my favs. Almost ready for Sydney?? xox
I am sooooo excited about your patterns Kate! I'm off to buy a couple RIGHT NOW!!
p.s. Might you be making a pattern for your giraffe?
Wow you've been busy!!! LOVE your patterns. The covers are so attractive but the names are so cute on the critters. Wishing you lots of sales. I must have been reading your blog for a year now because I remember the no shampoo post. Perhaps I'll give it a try.
you patterns look amazing...
Love the covers and the colours are so fantastic...great work...
I will have to try the no shampoo...
my grandma use to rinse our hair in vinegar when we were little and wash it in sunlight soap...our hair always looked shiny...I think it's great to get back to basics sometimes, we use way too many chemicals these days...
I love all the patterns! My favourite is definitely Fergus!
I might try the bicarbonate idea - my scalp is pretty sensitive - maybe it's too much shampoo!
Your patterns will be a great success I beleive they are wonderful.Thanks for the tip on shampoo recipe, did you stop because of chemicals in Shampoo or just because of hair result?
Amazing stuff you have here, boy you sure are productive!
Gee you have been busy Kate! Well done on getting the pattterns in the shop. Love them.
Love your patterns, and i had no idea about the bicarb, We did use bicarb for our teeth. When i was young we sometimes used to whisk up an egg with a little vinegar
Hi there! Love the new designs - especially the cute hippo!!
Just wondering if you were aware of the Alimrose cow at all??? Saw it in a shop on the weekend and thought it was yours! It seams to b e the season for lookalikes!
Those patterns look great I especially love Cosmo Caterpillar. Congratulations!
I didn't wash my hair for 3 years, then allowed myself to be talked into it only to wish i hadn't ,then didn't bother again for another 3. There are so much better ways to spend time. Whenever i tell anyone they are generally shocked before telling me how disgusting it is. Of course the point there is that if it were disgusting they wouldn't have been shocked. I always enjoy pointing that out.
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