I am not sure how many times I have been asked "How many minutes until Christmas?", but I'm sure it will drive me insane before Christmas arrives. I have just caught them sneaking out of bed to get the Father Christmas hats they discovered earlier today.
I'm hoping that the tree stays intact this year. The girls are old enough not to dismantle it everyday and Evie can't move.

We didn't really own many decorations until last year and we are slowly collecting some. My parents went to visit my sister who is living in Amsterdam and returned with the most fabulous
Delft ornaments. This windmill is everyones current favourite. We actually live in a town with a Christmas shop that amazingly is open all next year. I have promised the girls we can go next week and they can choose a new decoration for the tree.
nothing like a tree to get you in the spirit...i am waiting for my teenage children to come home before we put ours up (at their request)... and the suspense is killing me!!
great windmill, the delft blue is such a great blue isnt it...
we put our fairy lights up today...what a task...my husband kept saying that we should have heaps of lights to decorate the pub but could not find them anywhere...less than a minute later i came out with 3 bags of lights that were "staring him in his face" amazing!!!
love the tree and yes i'm being asked every second of the day
"how long now"...
Hub and I have bought at least 1 ornament evey year since we moved in together - love your little windmill
. We are keeping our fingers crossed for the tree this year as G is into everything
lisa x
How many minutes? Those are some impatient girls at your house! When we had dismantling-type people at our house (actually, strange to think we don't now cause we had them for so long!) the tree would go up on something so that they could only reach the lower branches!
How many minutes now? ;)
Yep, we are in the countdown mode here as well
Happy Holidays!
Love your tree. And yes Melody (3 1/2) is finally at the point where she is wondering "when is it Christmas?" I guess it doesn't make sense to them to decorate and put the tree up and then have it not be Christmas yet! :)
i love your tree!
oh I just love that dear little windmill! how cute!
Yep, I love the windmill too! We haven't put ours up yet. We don't have to worry about the kids ruining it - it's the stinking cat!!!
oh your windmill is soooo beautiful what a special decoration to have. We have old family friends in Germany and have been given some over the years from them and they are the beautiful and made in Germany, but the same are these days mass produced in China which are just not the same. I have looked in our library for your The China Price and they don't have it so I have put in a request for it, it looks like such a good read
charming windmill
thanks for popping to my blog - would you like to exchane links?
when my girls are older choosing a decoration is a lovely idea ... i fancy putting their 'sewing' on, as its a nice festive colour !
This year we got a small little Christmas tree for our girl. The moment I put the ornaments on the tree, the next moment she took it down. I have to keep it high till Christmas. Intend to make some ornaments for the tree with her, I guess your girls will enjoy doing that for your tree.
my boys used to dismantle the tree too. ornaments would be all over the house. i think i miss those days. lovely ornament!!!
We too have special ornaments that have been added to the collection over the years. It is very special when you decorate and remember....this one was bought when you were born etc....The windwill is just gorgeous :-)
Your Christmas tree is beautiful! I will be putting mine up this weekend and I am quite excited! You and your family enjoy a beautiful weekend!
Your tree looks really beautiful!
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