I finished plying this the other night. It is superwash merino from
Sakina Needles. The colour I think was Fruit Salad. There is 110g and 270 metres. It is getting easier to spin thinner. I just need to keep repeating to myself predrafting is my friend, predrafting is my friend....
i love the colours you make with your wool...there always amazing...
The wool looks amazing. Is that a new banner on your blog, it looks great.
I am amazed that you come up with these beautiful colors. I learned to knit when my husband and I were stationed in Germany. We now live in Mississippi, so we rarely wear wool--it's much too hot here. Your knitted socks are gorgeous. I enjoyed exploring your blog and looking at your yarn experiences and stuffed animals!
Looking at your beautiful yarn makes me wish I was knitter Kate!
That yarn is just gorgeous!
It looks absolutely gorgeous! What are you going to make?
That wool is beautiful, and I just love and am so impressed with the gocco flowers you've been screenprinting - what a fabulous design! I also love the tip from your recent post about treating fruit as a reward, I am going to use that one on Thomas tomorrow!
Love the colours!
so beautiful,Kate!!I still send a prayer of thanks to God for you when I tell myself to pre draft,pre draft,blessings!from usa,phylliso
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