I love silk. I love knitting with it, especially mixed with other fibres. I love wearing it and having somewhere to wear it. I love the idea of sewing with it. The reality is a little different. I find it a bit tricky to sew, especially anything sheer. I managed to get over my fear of it yesterday and start on the flower girl dresses for the girls and I pleasantly surprised myself. I even managed french seams. I have nearly a dress done. I think I might hand sew the zip in as I know that otherwise it's going to all end in tears. I just need to find my Rajah cloth (I swear there is 3 of them in this room) and iron it, I am so scared of burning it. I'm using
Burda pattern 9757.
Chris' parents have been here for the weekend which the girls love and so do we, the house is a lot cleaner then normal and it gave me time to sew the dress without the constant interruptions.
If you haven't already seen it - have a look at
LMNOP - a new online kid's magazine. My curly - haired dolls are in there.
silk! eek that sounds too scary for me. What a great little mag, I'll be looking forward to that one dropping into my inbox every couple of months
Thanks for the link about the mag. It is exactly my type of thing.
The dress is looking good!
I made a raw silk a dress a few years back to wear to a friend's wedding. The day before the wedding, I was just trimming off a few loose ends and I cut a hole in the dress. I had to rush out a buy a little cardi to wear over it to hide the repair.
I'm heading over to check out the magazine right now..
Glad you've had some uninterrupted time to sew. Congrats on getting dolls in mag.
What a great opportunity for you to get some sewing done. Gotta love those Grandparents. Silk is all a bit too scary for me. I think fraying.....
oh, that dress looks so sweet! congrats on the magazine!
Oooh, I share your fear of sewing silk! It requires so much more patience and care.
Thanks for the tip-off on LMNOP!
The silk dress looks lovely, so crisp and perfect. Thanks for the LMNOP tip too.
Ack! You're so brave! I have yet to conquer my fear of sewing silk. I used to ages ago, but I've forgotten how. I might need to get me into a "sewing silk" class some time. Thanks for the mag link, too.
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