Thankyou everyone for your comments this week. I've had some good news and it seems everything is ok.
You know there is a problem when the obstetrician rings you on a Sunday night as soon as he gets your referral. Apparently my GP had looked at my 12 week ultrasound report and seen there was a low risk of Down's Syndrome and I was told everything was fine. What they didn't tell me was that there was a really high risk of a few other chromosome disorders, ones which have quite severe consequences. No one should have to be told this at 17 weeks and then be told it will take a few weeks to get the results. So I was booked in for an amniocentesis as soon as I could get there. Luckily I was then told there was a very quick test they could do and I would have fairly reliable results in a few days and those results were good.
So I am feeling so relieved and very drained, but I just had a good nights sleep and the world looks a little brighter again. I am still pissed off (to put it mildly) with my GP, but I don't want it to fester and I'm pretty sure he will never make that mistake again.
I really enjoyed just hibernating at home and doing some sewing, I think I might do a bit more of it.

oh bless!, so glad all is ok now. i remember those feelings of sheer panic with news like that during a pregnancy, i had it with my first and did have an amnio not an experience i would ever wish to repeat.
hopefully. now you can enjoy the rest of this pregnancy in peace, well as peacefully as having twins allows! : )
Glad to hear the news was good. We had a very similar experience with our bub but at 20 weeks and with downs risk. We ditched our GP straight away. What a relief you can get the quick results though...they were the longest 48 hours I've ever experienced though.
Now on with the rest of a happy healthy pregnancy for you!
I am so glad that everything is ok and that you can now move forward and enjoy the rest of your pregnancy.
I love your little giraffe!!
Oh, I'm glad to hear that your news is good. And yes, time sure can warp in times of stress...
I'm so pleased it is good news for you and you can get on with just enjoying the growing belly.
And yeah, doctors don't always have the best of communication skills...
Kate, I read what you wrote earlier this week and really felt for you. I thought I couldn't comment because I'm no longer on blogger but it turns out your comments let me add my wordpress link and blog that way so its all good!!!
What a huge relief for you. Its so frustrating when you are trusting your GP and they forget something like that. Makes them even more human!
That Giraffe is so gorgeous! You are so clever and have such a wonderful eye for colour and style.
You poor dear, you've really been through it, and it's already hard enough with just the usual physical changes, BiG HUGS to you. I really love your new stuff, and that little animal is so cute!
thank goodness it all worked out in the end.
your creations are beautiful! i am sorry about the experience you had. i am glad all is well now! this happens to too many people!
So so glad to hear you have had some good news! I had a CVS done with Muski's pregnancy due to similar issues and thankfully all turned out ok... so here's hoping the rest of your pregnancy is totally uneventful and your girls get a gorgeous bubba to love just like we have!
Thank goodness that everything is okay. How worried you must have been, and very drained emotionally too. I hope the rest of your pregnancy is worry free for you and take the time to try and relax, although with 2 healthy girls running around you might not be able to.
Glad to hear you had good news - and the maybe a craft a day will keep the doctor at bay!
Whew! I was worried it was the baby -- so happy for you that it's turned out ok.
Glad you are feeling better. I pray that everything goes as smoothly as possible and you can enjoy the rest of your pregnancy. I love the bag. I had been eyeing that fabric online. should have gotten it!!
Phew! Thank goodness all is OK. I feel so relieved for you! Take care. And yes, kick that GP's butt. I've had a similar thing happen lately (no, I'm not pregnant, just some test results she chose not to share for who knows what reason!)
Glad to read you are OK!
Wonderful fabric, you made the bag from!
Oh, thank goodness..!
So good to hear news. You poor darling, no wonder you didn't want to blog.
Love the bag you made though and the little softie.
Enjoy the rest of your confinement!!!!
So glad things are ok. I have been checking back on your blog every day to see how you were.
The blue bag is ADORABLE! -kb
Ok I loved the blue purse so much I had to buy it! -kb
Pfeew that must have been nervewrecking !!!
Oh I'm SO in love with your Giraffes :) Is it possible to get a pattern somewhere? Or is it private? Or do you sell them as finished softies only? :):)
Thank goodness everything is ok for you-glad to hear.Your sewing projects are lovely :)
So pleased to hear this good news - hope everything goes smoothly from now on.
So glad things are all ok with you and baby!
glad to hear that things are looking better for you...wishing you a happy healthy pregnancy :)
Im so happy that all is well. Thinking of you, Cinti
Oh Kate, so happy to read that the results were good and that you and bub are healthy and well! Gorgeous bag and softie, and really love the recent batch of softies you completed that I saw on Flickr.
I was wondering where you'd gone! But glad to here its all better. Best rest and think lots of happy thoughts.
oh kate- i'm sorry you had such a scary time. congratulations on your pregnancy- ENJOY it now- and keep crafting. it makes everything better!
Oh that is good news that you've been given a better update. Wishing you healthy thoughts for the rest of your pregnancy.
So glad that everything is okay. :)
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