I have seen some very cute wristlets around lately and thought I'd adapt my bag pattern to make one for myself. I really love this fabric - I'm glad I bought a huge bit of it so I can use it for lots of different things.
This weeks mail has been good! I first read about Fabric Tales from Melly and Rosie and held off as long as I could, but I gave in and I'm so glad I did.
I have definitely saved the best for last. Celine and I organised a magazine swap and this is the amazing parcel I recieved yesterday. I love these little stuffed letters for the girls - such a cute idea. This magazine collections is amazing, what is it about French craft magazines that makes me weak at the knees. Thankyou so much! I think I could burst with inspiration. Check out her Celine's very cute sheep quilt.
I am not really a big fan of Valentine's Day - it is up there with Father's Day and Mother's Day as days which have been destroyed by the commercialisation of them and how they have become all about buy buy buy rather than really showing how much you care, But I love these! Totally unexpected. Thanks Chris. Chris was out umpiring basketball last night so I made him his favourite - homemade pizza, I even made the base for the first time in ages and Jane made one of her fabulous pavlovas.
Some new bags that I have finally finished. I am not sure why these took forever to make. I think the more I try to make things perfect the more things tend to look wonky and the more I have to go back and redo. But they are done and in the shop.
But tomorrow is Friday and I'm going to the hairdressers on Saturday so I can sit in peace and skim through crappy magazines. I did manage to finish few things including this wombat last night and a pig which has been half done for a while as I think her eyes make her look a bit surprised and I'm not sure how to fix this for next time.