Tuesday, July 03, 2012

Fabric and Jessie the Cowgirl

When I cleaned and organised my fabric a few weeks ago I realised I have a lot, more than a lot, a huge amount of blue, but not a lot of fabric with white and cream backgrounds. This problem was fixed last week with this lovely little stash.
 A quick dash into Spotlight to get cotton last week ended with me buying a little seersucker for the girls for summer. I am not sure whether I love or hate seersucker at times, but I know I love this.
 Someone is a little obsessed with being Jessie the cowgirl at the moment. The only time she is not wearing this is when she is at kindy or it is in the wash. She made herself Bullseye with some cardboard from and 3 weeks later it is still played with everyday.


Marina said...

How cute. Being a cowgirl was one of my favourite things when I was little....

Fleur Cotton said...

Oh how sweet - that brings back memories, my daughter was also obsessed with Jessie- she's 9 years old now and doesn't like to be reminded!!

Happy Days!
Fleur xx

Sue Rostron said...

Bless her, long may she get joy from simple things

Anonymous said...

I LOVE seersucker. I will even admit there was a time when I would buy the most completely ugly fabrics purely because they were seersucker and I felt that somehow redeemed the rest of their ugliness. thankfully I am past that now. lucky for you yours are cute seersucker - that;s the best kind.
Your wee cowgirl is pretty cute too.

Naturally Carol said...

Hi Kate..your little cowgirl is such a cutie pie! I love seersucker too, being a teenager in the seventies I had a favourite halter neck dress which was pink and white polka dots in a seersucker, fabulous for summer.