I am a big fan of messenger style bags, All the bags I use have a strap that goes across the body. I usually make all the bags I use and I love to have a new one a couple of times a year. When I saw the new
Jet Pack Bag pattern from Betz White I knew I had to make one to take to Quilt Market with me in May.
I used fabric by
Ellen Luckett Baker from Kokka for the first one. I was a bit unsure about interfacing as I didn't think I had any fusible fleece so I used some very heavy interfacing I had hoping it would make a sturdy bag. It certainly did that! This bag holds it shape and stands up by itself. It was quite difficult to sew the gusset, especially around the corners, but I do love the finished bag. I didn't bother with any of the extra straps as I knew it would just be worn around the body and I used some black webbing I already had.
This pattern makes a very decent size bag and I think it will be great when I am out with Olive over winter as there is plenty of space for nappies, food and extra clothes.
I normally don't carry huge amounts in my bag when I am not too far from home so I thought I would print the pattern at 85% and see what happens. Then I found some fusible fleece when I was looking for something else so I used that for the interfacing. It gives a completely different feel. It is not as sturdy, but it is nice and soft, I think I do prefer this, especially in this size bag.
I bought this fantastic red fabric a few years ago and have made a few bags and other things out of it, I only have a few scraps left now. I am so glad there was enough for the front pocket, it goes so well with the grey fabric that is also from
Ellen Luckett Baker.
I couldn't be happier with these bags. The Jet Pack pattern was great, the instructions were clear and I can imagine I will be making more of them. Now to decide which one is coming to Quilt Market with me!